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"why do you keep wearing the same blouse?" Jeno asked out of curiosity while walking to the restaurant his mom invited them to

Jaemin furrowed his brows. "well I just think it looks nice" lies. He doesn't have any clothes left that a woman would wear. He doesn't even have that much clothes himself would wear and the fact that blouse was his grandma's , probably she placed a blouse when he was packing his things back then but atleast it was in a good use.

after that it went silent again as they get nearer to the restaurant jeno grabbed his hands. You could tell jaemin trying his best to calm down since his heart that was doing backflips and ran a marathon inside

showing his famous eye smile. whispering to his ear "shall we?" not actually but he wish. Jeno smirks and proceeds to tighten holding his hand. Anyone could t mistake them as characters in a romantic drama

In jeno's case he did that on purpose just to see his secretar- his lover's reaction and it did not disappoint seeing him all flustered. Surprisingly he finds it cute. Quickly shutting his thoughts off what was he thinking? Jaemin cute? in your dreams

stage one : Denial

Jaemin  hiding the fact he's cheeks are now peach pink glad it isn't visible since he's wearing slight make up. "oh okay..." he mentally slapped himself reminding that this is just an act.

once they stepped down the restaurant jaemin's eyes widened from how fancy it was. That restaurant never failed to impress him everytime. Its plate probably cost more than his own soul

"You two are finally here! have a seat" jeno's mom greeted while grinning after seeing the couple holding hands "also order anything you like"

Jaemin hesitating to pick anything from the menu because it was expensive and he doesn't even know what kind of food it was. The names sounded like a random type of french bread.

"May I help, what's your order ma'am?" the waitress to pulled her pen and paper


"one strawberry cake please" jeno instead answered "she really loves strawberry it is her favorite. Right sweetheart?" he glanced at jaemin or which I say "Jasmine" who forced out a smile

let us just ignore the fact he called him sweetheart


"and then he went up to me-" Mark explained feeling so giddy just to ruin his mood realizing his friend isn't even listening

calling out his name "jeno are you still there?" mark snapped his fingers towards him but the boy was still spacing out not listening to his rants about that one dude. yeah dude...


"earth to lee Jeno!" mark shouted finally bringing back the younger to reality

snapping out of it he confusingly glanced at his friend giving him a eye squint with arms crossed "uhh what were you saying again?" his thoughts were occupied about jaemin but he won't admit it though

mark sighed speaking in a sulking way "in some deep thought huh. Mind sharing?"

"the embarrassment is killing me to the point I wanna delete my self from this universe and never be seen or known again until everyone forgets about me" jeno flopped his head down the pillow and flapping his feet

his friend didn't what he meant but he's more shook seeing his own friend acting like that. Never in his whole friendship with him has he seen jeno acting like a teenage girl who accidentally embarrassed herself Infront her crush

"I seriously do not know what you are talking about but I guess it was that embarrassing enough for you to act like this"

Jeno huffed "it is a long story but let us go straight to the point.."closing his eyes and took a deep breath "I.... gosh I cannot even say it out loud"


"I kissed him..."

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