Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Why did I react like that? It's not normal is it?

What he said made my heart fasten inside of my chest, inevitably leaving my cheeks bright red as he chuckled.

We started walking to maths, all the popular girls were giggling and looking away when they saw axel but looked disgusted when they saw me on the other side of him.

The attention started to make me feel nervous and I felt my anxiety spike. I subconsciously played with a necklace I was wearing.

"Hey don't pay attention to them. They are just being bitches on purpose. Just listen to my voice okay skylar I'm here." He Leaned down pretty far because of our height difference.

"Gross who's the hottie and why is he walking with that loser."

"God it's gonna be funny when he sees how weird she is."

"Oh my god grace look."

"That's so embarrassing for him."

The whispers fill my head, every single one of them staying and spinning around, repeating themselves over and over.


Walking into our maths class, I didn't even know one single person.

"Ahh finally miss Sanchez. I've been waiting very impatiently for your arrival." Mr carters said as I had to walk past her desk, I attempted to go make myself invisible as humanly possible.

The fuck does he mean by that?

"Can you go and take a seat next to axel for me ok skylar." He said sternly

Well that's quite funny.

I walked over to where he was sitting and he looks at me and smiled. "I guess we're seat buddies." He said


Halfway through the lesson was when the girls all began to whisper again.

"How long until he breaks her heart?"

"God I hope she knows he could never love or even like her."

"She's a joke."

I wasn't paying attention to the lesson or even the awful things the girls were saying, I was too busy just shaking my leg.

"Skylar! Are you even paying attention to me or are you just tapping your legs on the floor?" Mr Carter said pulling me from somewhere in my head.

My heart was beating out of my chest, my ears were ringing from the sudden attention from every single person in the class.

"I-I-I-Im so sorry." I managed to say causing the whole class other than axel to snicker and giggle at me.

I tried to concentrate on the lesson but I began to feel nauseous and knew I was going to throw up and it was hard to ignore.

My legs shook under the table as I put my hand over my mouth.

My eyes began to water badly "What's wrong?" Axel said worried

I just couldn't take it anymore, I got up grabbing my bag and then I ran out of the classroom within a few seconds.

I go to the bathroom just in time and I throw up in the toilet.

I shook and breathed uncontrollably, slumping my body against the stall wall.

My pills make me space out I was so nauseous and dizzy when I take them. Throwing up was just the start of today it was gonna be bad.

I closed my eyes and leant my head against the wall when I heard a small knock.

"Sky?! Are you here."

"No." I shouted back

"Sky. Come on out it's just me out here okay, you just can't be in there alone." He called out

Silence filled the room for a while and I hoped that he left me. At least until I heard him drop his bag on the floor that is.

"Axel! Would you just get out." I whispered. I knew this would look bad if anyone came in and saw him out there.

He climbed over the top of the door and landed on the toilet with a thud.

"For fuck sake what are you doing in here I told you to go." I shouted

"Well you weren't coming out what the fuck was I meant to do? I could not just leave you alone god, your brother would kill me."

Some part of me knew that he was right but it just can't be for him.

He was right though I didn't plan on coming out any time soon.

I stood up attempting to leave but I fell back down as the room spun.

"God sit down! You're just gonna hurt yourself for godsake."

He pulled me onto his lap and I looked over at him as my heart raced.

"Everything's fine love. I'm right here, you need to relax, okay?." He said

Did he just call me love? No it's fine he's just trying to keep me calm.

I'm just like a baby sister to him right?

After a while I began to calm down as he stood up and unlocked the door after checking nobody was in the bathrooms.

He held out his hand and pulled me up into his hard chest.

I was about to walk when my head began to spin as I lost balance.

He caught me quickly and picked me up bridal style in his arms.

"What's going on?" I ask him using the only words I could mutter out but all he said was "I've got you my love."

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up three hours later in my bed. After i sat up I saw axel was at the foot of my bed.

"What happened?" I asked him rubbing my eyes as I yawned.

"You blacked out at school so I drove you home and put you to bed so I've just been waiting for you to wake up." He said softly

I wondered to myself why he didn't just leave me as he knew I was safe in my house. I didn't think he had cared about me except for the sake of his best friend.

"You know if you just let what they are saying not affect you, you'd be fine." He said softly

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