"But yeah, screw her," I smirked as I took the hair tie. "Who's that witch?" I heard from the bleachers. I looked at where the voice came from and Hunter's face was like a tomato. "Chill dude, that's your girlfriend." Gus reminded him. "A hot girlfriend," Hunter added. I winked at him and he passed out. "Oh my Titan, I think I killed him!" I finished putting up my hair and I went to Hunter and Gus. "Congrats, you murdered Hunter," Gus told me.


I changed back into my clothes and everyone was sitting in a circle. Hunter was shyly fidgeting with his fingers next to me. "Okay, you guys need to leave soon to go meet Luz," Skara told us. Willow and Gus came out with her new outfit. "You guys look amazing!" I cheered. "Yeah, let's just get going." Hunter got up. Flapjack and P/n flew around us.

"Aww, are you jealous that I didn't compliment you first?" I asked him. "Of course not." He turned to the side. Willow and Gus started to walk out of the school and we followed behind. "Man I wish we can do something before the world ends..." I mumbled. "Like what?" He asked me. I shrugged. "I want to dance like we did a while back or maybe pick some flowers," I suggested. "Well how about after the Day of Unity, I take you out anywhere you like?" Hunter proposed. I nodded in agreement.


When we got there Luz and King got dropped off. "What? I don't need a security escort!" Luz shouted. "You hear that guys?" Willow asked. "Yeah, I guess we all have to go back home," I suggested. "Well, it's been fun. See you around, Luz the Human!" Gus winked. Luz laughed as she started to tear up. "Wait wait wait wait! Of course, I want you around. I'm so happy!" Luz hugged all of us. King held onto my leg.

I picked King up and he hung on my shoulder. "And confused. I thought you were all hiding after what happened at Hexside." Luz told us. "They were, but then they heard Darius ordered me to protect you." Hunter walked over to us. "More like he begged us to come because he's terrified of getting recognized," Gus admitted. "Hunter, are you really up for this? You must be dealing with a lot after learning-"

"That Belos is evil?" Hunter laughed. "Don't worry I'm a-okay!" Hunter and Gus fist-bumped and headbutted. "Uh..." I mumbled. "What the..." Luz muttered. "This is what happens when you go missing for a week," Willow told Luz. Hunter went over to us. "Don't you dare mention that thing around them," Hunter warned. "What thing? That you're a Grimwalker?" Luz asked. I put my finger by my mouth, "Shh!" I hissed.

"Listen, I don't know if I'm a witch or a human. All I know is that I'm a copy of someone Belos made disappear." Hunter explained. "I don't know what you guys went through, but they seem to like you," Luz told him. "So I shouldn't worry how they'd react, right? If that's the case, have you told them about helping Philip?" Hunter asked.

I stood in front of Luz. "Hunter, that's enough. We promise we won't tell them alright?" I assured him. "Alright." He crossed his arms. "Say sorry to Luz for trying to blackmail her," I instructed. "Ugh, sorry Luz." He looked away from us. "Thank you, sunshine... Now to the Blights!" I shouted.


We hid behind some trees and Hunter stayed behind me. Gus made a circle using the magnifying glass and revealed hidden guards. Willow cracked her knuckles and smiled. Luz threw a plant glyph and tied a guard up. We ran to the mansion. "Sorry man!" Hunter yelled. We got to the entrance and abomination goo shot at us. I set it on fire and before the alarm started, Hunter hit the abomination in the head. Willow tied it down and then it sunk into the ground. I helped Luz up and we made our way to Amity's bedroom. Willow lifted her to the balcony.

In the Middle of the Night (Hunter x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ