imagine 3 - girlxboy

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      I tuck my hair behind my ears as I run to the dimly lit house.
     "This is actually the worst," I grumble to myself. I knock on the door and hear the echoey cries of a dogs barking from the other side. As I wait for it to open I quickly fix my hair from the early October wind. Still pulling at knots and various other strange rats nests that conjured onto my head, the door flies open and I'm greeted with a warm smile.
     "Hey you!" He said. I greet him back with a hug.
     "Hey," I sigh. He moves out of the way and motions me towards the door. Walking in I shiver at the feeling of the warm air hitting my cold skin. I feel goosebumps rise up on my arms as a blanket is suddenly draped over my shoulders.
    "Here," C/n says, "it looks terrible out there! Sorry I had to keep you waiting." I turn to him while crossing the corners of the blanket across my chest.
     "No worries!" We give each other faint smiles and he turns to go upstairs to his room which I immediately follow.
    It was a nice Saturday night in which I had zero plans to work or do homework, I could finally sit back and enjoy some time with my best friend, C/n. Or at least we're friends for now. This past summer I had grown to have feelings for him, which I hate because all my life my girl friends have teased me about dating him and marrying him in the future. Of course I gagged at the thought like any stereotypical girl would. C/n was an athlete who did boy things and had boy humor and talked boy talk. To any other girl that may seem intimidating or annoying or smelly but to me I've grown a love for it like an old man would for a small dog. I like the smell of his pine tree cologne, the feel of his coarse hands when he hugs me, and how I catch him looking at me sometimes. With all the warmth and love the world, or a guy, had to offer. In all honesty we've been talking in secret and I'm positive we'll actually start being comfortable with being public. We've both never been they type to tell everyone our business, our socials are filled with maybe one picture a year and our statuses haven't been updates since 2017. We couldn't really care less of what people had to say or think about us. This time though it's different. I want to be able to shout out to the world how much I love him. How much I love to be with him, hug him, share food with him. I want to be unapologetically loving, where the only thing that exists in this world is us.
I say hello to his dog and we enter his room that is surprisingly clean and is dimly lit with the TV and little light up knickknacks around his room. I set my bag down near the door and make myself at home in a beanbag chair in the corner.
"So," he says.
"So," I reply back. He sits on his bed and just looks at me. I avoid his gaze as my eye contact problems can't look a cute boy in the eyes without smiling and giggling uncontrollably.
"Not gonna look me in the eyes?" He asks, knowing that I'll start laughing and blushing.
"I can I just," I look around the floor and night stand next to me to stall, "I'm just really interested in this dog y'know?" I pick up a stuffed dog that wore a mean face and a hockey shirt. C/n got off the bed and leaned down in front of me. He smirked.
"Oh yeah, I bet you're real interested." He leaned further and gently grabbed the tip of my chin and pulled me into him for a kiss. My heart could've exploded like fireworks. I could feel it's best against my chest as he went deeper into the kiss and I never wanted to let go.
     We made out for a couple minutes, with him finding himself snuggled between my legs as he kissed my jawline and my neck. It was hard to keep my giggles in as I was very ticklish and C/n knew all my weak spots.
    Eventually we stopped for a breathe of air. Both of our faces were a shade of pink and our scattered breathes echoed in the quiet room. C/n stood up and took my hand.
    "Come sit with me," he said. I followed him to his bed and cuddled up next to him. He started to speak again.
   "Yeah?" I looked up at him with curiosity as his pause seemed nervous and a bit insecure.
    "We've been talking for a while right?"
    "We'll I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go further," He finally looked me in the eyes and his anxiety turned to hope. I couldn't help but get lost in the innocent expression and I had to snap myself out of the trance.
    "What do you mean further?" I asked.
    "How do I even explain," He stood up and started to pace the floor. "Y/n, you make me the happiest person in the world. I'd even go as far as to say I love you." These words hit me like a truck.
     "Really? You love me?" I gasped. My heart was racing faster now as it waited for the special question.
     "Yes. So much. You're my best friend, my girl. I want you to be mine." There was another pause as I was comprehending his words.
    "God damnit I want you to be my girlfriend!" He finally spat out. His eyes lost track of mine as he finally let the question off his chest. I couldn't help but grin at him. He turned back to me, with the TB reflecting a slight glint of sweat on his face.
    "What do you say?" He asked.
    "I'm all yours," I said. I jumped up from the bed and met him in another passionate kiss. The boy of my dreams was finally mine and nothing else mattered.

i've had this draft saved for a while and i don't rlly like how i ended it but oh well.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2022 ⏰

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