imagine 1 - gender nuetral

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   I walk out of my 8th period class in excitement as the bell rings and the quiet hallway becomes full of frenzied students. Today is the first football game of the season and everywhere I look I see the school colors repped on people's clothes and faces. I put my binder in my locker as i hear someone call my name.
    "y/n!" the voice cries. I turn and smile as i see my friend, f/n, squeezing themselves between the wall and crowd of excited kids.
    "hey!" I say back. They finally reach me and give me a hug.
    "Are you excited to go to the game tonight?" They ask. I slam my locker closed and we begin to walk to the school exit.
    "Excited as I'll ever be," I reply. In case you couldn't tell football is a pretty big deal at our school, we're number one in the state and for the last three years we've been undefeated. Every game is a good one that always ends in a forty-to-nothing type score. I usually don't go because obviously I know we're going to win, but with it being my senior year I might as well go while I still have the opportunity.
     "Do you want to get ready at my house?" F/n asks.
     "Get ready? I thought I'd just wear the clothes I have on." They giggle to themselves as they grab my hand and drag me across the parking lot to their car.
    "Come on y/n it's the first football game of the year!"
   "Yeah I know that f/n-"
   "So since it's also your first game in a while you have to look good!" They throw my things in the back seat then walk over to the drivers side. I huff as I clime into the passenger.
    "It's a football game who cares what I wear."
    "I do. The theme today is neon so I want you to show some school spirit and dress up!" They start the ignition and zoom their way out of the parking lot. I roll my eyes playfully as I rest my head against the warm car window. I'm definitely not the type to dress up for any circumstance, not even for school pictures. Why wear a nice outfit when you'll barely see my shoulders? I mean, not trying to sound like the "pick me" type, but I try to dress comfortable when I can.

   We make it to f/n's house and they frantically grab their things and run to unlock the front door. I trudge along behind them.
   We shut the door and set our bags down as their mom comes in to greet us.
   "Hey kiddos!" She cheers. We both pause as we see she's completely decked out in our school colors and name. She wore black stripes across her cheeks and wore a jersey that said "#1" in cheetah print. She also wore sweat bands and a cap. I looked over at f/n and saw the slight embarrassment in their eyes.
   "Ready for the game I see, mom?" They asked.
  "You bet! Number one baby, woo woo woo!" F/n gripped my hand and, again, lugged me up the stairs to their room.
   "Please never tell anyone about this," they mumbled.
   "Wouldn't dream of it," I stifled in a laugh. We made it to their room and they started pulling out clothes and face paint from the top of their closet.
   "Came prepared I see."
   "I've been waiting for this moment. You're gonna look great!" They pulled the lid off the face paint and painted a neon pink stripe on my cheek, accompanied by a yellow one beneath it. They pulled out a neon green shirt and threw it at me.
   "Put this on," they said and then went and dug through a jewelry drawer. I looked at them with wide eyes as they seemed to be putting a lot of effort into this look, a slight glimmer of sweat showing across their forehead. I went to the bathroom and changed. Once I came out i did a little twirl.
    "Do I look obnoxious enough?" I laughed.
    "Totally, but just some finishing touches!" They put a jumble of Party City bead necklaces around my neck and shoved me in front of the mirror. I sighed.
    "Yep, football game ready."

    A few hours later we finally made it to the stadium. The bleachers were already pretty crowded as we had to dodge screaming kids, band geeks, and the usual middle-school-football-star-wannabes. The opposing side on the other hand, only had about 5 people per row.
    We finally managed to find a seat at the top where our other friends were. They greeted us and the game finally started.

    It was finally fourth quarter and our team was winning again with a score of 35-7. I hadn't eaten since lunch and I was making my way towards the concession stand for some spicy nachos. I was counting my money to make sure I had enough when I suddenly bumped into someone, thus throwing all my change to the ground.
    "Oh my god," I said flustered, "I'm so sorry!" I started to pick quarters off the ground.
    "Don't worry about it, here let me help you." The figure accompanying the deep voice started to help me pick up my change. I finally sighed and stood up as my back was hurting from bending over so much.
    "Here," the person said. They dropped two quarters in my hand. "Is that all?" I counted the one they handed me and the two I picked up. I had four.
    "Hm," I started, "it's fine. Thank you for helping me." I started to walk back to the bleachers when I felt a hand grab my arm.
   "Wait-" I turned and finally got a look at who I bumped into. I stopped breathing for a second looking at the beautiful face in front of me. I tried to hold back a smile as they looked at me.
    "Are you sure that's all?" They asked. I swallowed and did my best to speak.
    "Uh- yeah- well- uh-" I paused for a second to keep my composure and finally let a smile show through. They smiled back. "I mean, I'm missing one but really it's fine."
   "Let me pay for you then." My heart dropped as the gorgeous face smiled at me more. I got out of my trance and laughed.
   "No, no! Please don't it's ok-"
   "Let me pay for you, I owe you after all. Anything you like and it's on me!" They let go of my arm and motioned me to the concession stand. I bit my lip a little and bashfully made my way.
    The line was quite long when we got there and this made for a good time for conversation.
   "So what's your name?" I asked.
   "C/n," they replied. "Yours?"
   "Y/n." They beamed at me again.
   "Y/n... how nice!"
  "Thanks!" There was a pause as my mind was sort of freaking out right now. I mean, the most gorgeous person in the world said my name was nice! Is this what I've been missing all these years?
    "So are you new here? I've never seen you at school before," I said.
    "No I've been here a while. I just keep to myself," they replied.
    "Oh, uh, sorry," I cleared my throat.
    "For what?"
    "For not knowing who you are! I feel rude not knowing people." They laughed at this.
   "Not rude at all! I don't mind people knowing who I am or not. I have a good group of people. And I never really do much, this is my first football game since my freshman year."
    "Really? Same! We always win so what's the point in coming if I know what's going to happen."
   "My point exactly!" They laughed, "See, we have so much in common already!" I nodded as I had nothing to say but turned back to face them as they started to speak.
   "I'm surprised this is your first game though, you really seem to be into school spirit," they tapped their cheeks with their finger pointing out the paint on my face. I closed my eyes and sighed a bit, forgetting I had this stupid getup on.
   "Oh yeah, my friend urged me to dress up with them so uh..." They giggled.
    "I see, I see. Well you look good, even in the most annoying colors." I grinned and turned away trying to hide my red face, though the way they were intently looking at me hinted they definitely saw.
    We finally made it to the front and I ordered some nachos with jalapeños. C/n paid for them and we left the stand and walked over to the gate. As the game went to a close we chatted some more and I shared my food with them.
    Finally we heard a massive roar of cheering erupt from our side of the field along with the school fight song being played by the band.
    "Guess we won," I mumbled, taking the last bite of the meal.
    "Who would've thought!" We smiled at each other again and we walked together to the bleachers. I found F/n and they started to make their way towards me.
    "Y/n!" They yelled, "Where were y-" they stopped in their tracks and looked at c/n standing beside me. Their eyes widened and they nodded as they understood. They pointed to the parking lot signaling they'll wait in the car. I nodded.
    "So," C/n began, "will I see you on Monday?" I looked up at them and blushed, this time without hiding it. They really want to see me again!
    "Of course! We can talk on the phone too if you'd like."
    "I'd love that." Love! I bit my lip again in excitement.
    "Ok well uh, I'll talk to you later then!" I started to walk towards the parking lot, stumbling a bit not knowing whether it was because of all the people or the fact that I'm head over heels over someone I just met.
    "Please do!" Yeah, totally head over heels. We waved goodbye to each other and I made my way through the crowd, sometimes looking behind me to watch them walk to the other gate. I squealed a bit and ran back to F/n's car to share the news.

Aaaaah! First chapter written! I really hope y'all enjoyed this, I tried to make it as gender neutral as possible. If y'all would like me to write certain girlxboy or girlxgirl, etc. stories then please comment or message me to request an imagine!!


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