Chapter 24

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Shouta winced as Hizashi began cleaning up and disinfecting the huge gash on his face, the alcohol vapour stinging his already dry eyes more than usual.

“Is this going to need stitches?” Shouta asked, looking at the wound in the mirror and cringing. Hizashi nodded, pulling Shouta’s hair back.

“Most likely. I vaguely know how to do it, if you want me to? You’re lucky this didn’t get your eye, less than an inch higher and it would’ve been gone.”

“Go ahead. And it’s fine, stop dwelling on it. Nothing happened. I had my goggles on anyway, they took the brunt of the damage.”

“Those goggles are a godsend,” Hizashi said while getting a first aid kit out and beginning to stitch up his face, which thankfully wasn’t the worst pain imaginable.

“Yeah. They saved my ass many times, I’m glad I had them on when I ran into your student.”

“Oh?” He looked uncomfortable, but he knew he should probably listen. 

“If I wouldn’t have, the green kid would have seen my face, and I ran into him in the lounge today. There’s no way he wouldn’t have recognised me. The kid was already uneasy being around me. Told me I was familiar.”

“Damn… the green haired kid with freckles? Resembles broccoli, right?”

“Uh… sounds right.”

“Yep. That’s Midoriya, the same kid that mumbles a lot like you do.” He laughed a bit, putting a large bandaid over the cut after he finished stitching it.

“Small world. So… ah… How often did I talk without knowing, like, could you understand it?”

“Whenever you seemed super deep in thought, and no. It was like you were speaking in tongues, way too fast for me to even try to comprehend.”

“That’s good at least. As long as my cover’s safe in the general public.”

Hizashi laughed again, heading out to the living room while holding Shouta’s hand, sitting on the couch and flicking on the TV, searching through the channels until something caught his eye.

Shouta noticed it too, his heart dropping.

The news managed to get footage of me. They don’t know I’m a villain, though. Probably. They haven’t seen Eraser, or even know his alias.

“God, the media’s gonna swarm us once we get to UA. I can hear them now,” he grumbled, speaking in a dumb, mocking tone and making weird hand gestures. “Who’s your new partner, Are you no longer solo?! WHERE’D HE COME FROM??”

“Looks like I’m no longer a private assistant, huh.” He deadpanned, annoyed. He always hated the media, no matter what form of coverage he got. They were always wrong about what he wanted, and now just inconvenient.

“Midoriya.” Shouta blurted out, coming to a panicked realisation. “He’s the only one who's ever seen Eraser.  He said I look familiar. If he sees this on the news or in an article or something-”

“Calm down, Sho. We’ll figure it out.” Hizashi put a comforting hand on his shoulder, giving a gentle massage.

“He knows that I’m aware of who All Might is, a secret that I assume all of you guided with your lives. He’ll assume I’m there to kill him or something, like that’s my whole goal, why I was there.”

“I hate to say it, but I wouldn’t doubt him coming to a conclusion like that. He’s smart and ever since Bakugou, increasingly paranoid.”

“What do we do? You know UA well, I can’t think of anything…”

“I have something but you aren’t going to like it at all.”

“Do I want to hear it?”

“No, but I’m telling you anyway. All I can think of is just outright telling Nezu before Midoriya can.”

“Are you insane?” Shouta asked angrily, raising his voice before realising he’d yelled after Hizashi flinched, then shrunk back down. “Sorry. But come on, I’ll get arrested on sight.”

“You’d be surprised. He doesn’t think like a normal person, considering that he’s, like, a capybara or something. We’ve hired villains in the past and they were shockingly some of the best teachers we’ve had.”

“I’m not going to be a teacher, Zashi. I have a job.”

“Isn’t teaching people common sense your whole point, though? You could be an influence, directly at the source of tons of heroes! You can show them how to be actually effective!”

“Where are you going with this?”

“Well, you can teach them! Get your views in like this instead of… mass murder?”

“I will admit that you have a point. I’m just literally nowhere near mentally ready for that. I couldn’t possibly teach a class after I killed one of the damn kids.”

“Oh, definitely not. You wouldn’t be able to teach this year's class anyway. You need a hero licence, proof of mental sanity since that’s been recorded, a good record, all that jazz.” Hizashi paused, giving a supportive smile to Shouta. “You’re already a good teacher, in my opinion. I’m a pro with 15 years on, and you taught me a lot of new stuff!”

“I’m glad. At least it was only figurative dying when I was attempting to teach you.” He reciprocated the smile, putting a sore arm around Hizashi and shutting the TV off.

“Hey, if ya do this, we could spend all day together too! AND you get paid!”

“Or we could stay… Friends? Or whatever it is that we are. I have no clue.” He joked, completely unsure at the status of he and Hizashi’s relationship.

Hizashi laughed, leaning into Shouta and giving him a kiss on the cheek. “I hope this helps you decide,” He whispered into his ear with a laugh, immediately getting shoved off. “Got you to blush! Finally!” Hizashi grinned, doing a little dance.

“So, are we telling Nezu and going for it?”

“Well, I’ll be arrested if I don't, at least this way I have a tiny little fraction of a chance to not be put into the electric chair. Should we tell Oboro and Nemuri first? Everybody’s going to find out at some point, I feel like if we decide to, they should be the first to know.”

“I’m shocked you’re suggesting that instead of me, I was gonna bring that up, actually! I think we should, do you want me to call them?”

“It’s one in the morning.”

“Oh, that’s nothin’. Nem’s definitely still up. Not sure ‘bout Oboro, but proooobably. I’ll have 'em come over.”

“Right now?”

“Why not? We have to tell Nezu first thing. Before the kids and the teachers.”

“I’m not going to get crucified by those two, am I?”

“Gah, have more faith, Sho! Nem’s pretty accepting as long as you keep your word and don’t hurt anyone… or be boring. And Oboro’s chill. He’ll listen and actually consider things. He's forgiven me so many times, even though I fucked up so bad. I almost killed him. During a work study. Thank god that Nemuri was fast enough to save him. But that’s a story for later.”

“I think killing 140 people isn’t just a fuckup but I’ll take your word for it. I do expect to hear that story at some point because holy hell, Zashi.”

“Yeah, I will. I swear. It’s… tough, though.” He sighed, then picked up his phone, holding Shouta’s hand as he asked each of them to come over ASAP. “They’re on their way.”

“Well, time to see if I live or die. You’ll visit me in prison, right?”

Hizashi smiled. “Obviously!”

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