Chapter 10

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Alright. I don’t know what Eraser means. I’ve never heard that name before.

Don’t act like you do.

Shouta walked closer, sheathing his knife and putting it in his pocket. He still kept Yamada’s quirk nullified.

“I found you…” He said, staring into the glow of Shouta’s eyes.

“It appears you have,” Shouta agreed, deepening his voice to disguise it. “All the credit to you. Although you shouldn’t be so triumphant. I’m the last thing anyone wants to see.”

“I’ve been tracking you since the beginning, Eraser.” Yamada continued, growing angrier and ignoring Shouta’s attempt to threaten him away. “But then you kill a kid. My student. You made this personal, man!”

“Ah. Yes, I remember that. Don’t worry, it’s nothing against you.”

“You almost killed my friend, too. He was in the hospital.”

So he thinks of me as a friend? That’s a first.

“Right. I’m surprised he lived. I send my apologies, I just wanted to try something out.” Shouta dismissed, trying to send Yamada’s thoughts down the incorrect trail they were already going. He stepped closer to Yamada, still talking. “I’d go home if I were you. You don’t belong out here.” He turned away, blinking to give Yamada back his quirk.

WAIT!” He yelled, making Shouta stop and turn around. “Why didn’t you kill me?”

Shit. That’s gonna be suspicious to him. I wonder if he’ll tell me about this encounter. I hope he doesn’t put me not killing him and me being his friend together as me being Eraser Head. I can’t let him know. I can’t let him hate me.

“Consider me merciful. And another thing,” he said, turning away again. “You didn’t find me. I watched you fumble around looking for me for quite a long time tonight. Keep your guard up, blondie.”

With that, he disappeared, getting away from the murder scene and Yamada as fast as he possibly could, constantly checking over his shoulder to see if he was being followed before laying on the cold concrete roof of a building, staring at the stars while he caught his breath, chest heaving.

I’ve killed two villains in two days. People may suspect a morality shift. Like I’m no longer a villain, that I’m a vigilante or something. I have to kill extra heroes tonight to disprove that possible thought. Sorry, little kitty. Maybe tomorrow.

He sighed, standing up and stretching when he was ready. Shouta loomed over alleyways, looking for heroes patrolling them. It didn’t take long for him to find a strongly built man with a distinctive beard walking around. He was looking so closely around corners that he never even bothered to look up.

He was finished rather quickly, although he was admittedly more difficult than most due to the brute force he had. He most likely would leave Shouta with a bruise or two, with how hard his punches were.

This is someone I would’ve let live in the past. I never would have aimed for the kill with him. I would have feigned an attack, to spook him and the public.

Shouta stared as the blood stained the hero’s sandy blond hair.

When did I stop giving them chances at all?

Chances are risky, anyway.

Chances are an excuse for your bloodlust to cease. You always hated them. You loved watching them helplessly struggle, didn’t you, Shouta?


He finished the night with 6 kills under his belt, including the villain he’d killed to protect Yamada. It was almost sunrise by the time he got home, much later than he usually stayed out. Heroes were surprisingly hard to find isolated in this city, due to the majority of them flocking to the city he had killed in for the last few weeks.

He didn’t need to use his scarf at all today, halfway due to the kills being easy, half because he really didn’t feel like cleaning it over and over every single night.

And maybe to be more fair to them, too.

Shouta glanced at his phone, which had been charging on his nightstand while he was out. An unholy amount of missed calls from Yamada showed up, the last one being at around 3 AM. It was around 4 now, so he assumed Yamada just hadn’t slept that night, which was understandable. Regardless, it would appear weird to call Yamada back at 4 in the morning, slightly after the last kill. That’d be obvious, if he called right when he finished up.

His cat looked up expectantly, Shouta giving in to his adorable little face and petting him. He took a quick shower to wash the blood off his skin and out of his hair, tossing his clothes into the washing machine.

He laid down in his bed, nearly passing out before he got another phone call. Yamada. Again. He groaned, muttering about how he had been calling every single hour. He answered it, not having to put any effort into the “I am so tired that I’m about to perish” voice that one may have after a restless night of being constantly called all night.

“Yamada.” He grumbled, closing his eyes as he spoke to him.


“I suppose it’s important, considering youve been calling me all fucking night?” He didn’t bother to hide his irritation, since he was, indeed, irritated that Yamada didn’t listen to his advice to stay home.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It’s just- I- I ran into Eraser!”

“You what?!” Shouta gasped, faking disbelief.

“I-I was walkin around and stuff, then some knife dude runs outta the woods to kill me, then Eraser comes out of nowhere and… he saved me?”

“What have you been drinking, Yamada.”

“I’m serious, man! He saved me, said he was watchin me walk for a while, I asked him why he didn’t wipe me out, and it’s because apparently he wanted to be merciful that day or somethin?”

“Right. And why were you out in the woods alone at night?”

“I was… Running errands…” He said after a pause.

“Errands. At midnight. Look, if you aren't going to listen to me when I say that, under any circumstance, don’t go after this guy, then I’m not wasting my time helping you chase monsters. I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”

He hung up the phone, turning away from it. Being this cold to Yamada made him feel like shit, but he had to do whatever he could to keep him safe, even if it meant threatening their partnership.

For such a smart guy, he really is an idiot.

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