thirty two

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EL WALKED AROUND the skatepark, looking for y/n anywhere

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EL WALKED AROUND the skatepark, looking for y/n anywhere.

el saw a younger h/c haired girl at the skatepark, knowing it was y/n.

"shouldn't you be playing with dolls or something?" a guy walking around asked younger y/n.

"shouldn't you bag your face?" y/n responded, then flipped him off.

"y/n." el called. "y/n."

but younger y/n just walked past el, not hearing her.

she set her skateboard down and began skating.

"i found her." el announced. "but she's young. she can't see me. can't hear me."

"do you see anything weird in this memory?" will asks. "any sign of vecna or.. of the mind flayer?"

"no, everything is normal." el replied, but then she heard the song playing at the snowball 'every breath you take' playing in the distance.

"there is something." el said. "that doesn't fit. i think it is another memory."

"a memory within a memory?" argyle asks.

y/n and max were sitting at the snowball alone, they felt calm somewhat.

they felt like vecna couldn't get them now, since they were in a happy memory, at the snowball.

suddenly, they heard a balloon pop, and they both jumped from their chairs with fear.

the balloon behind them started to pop with blood coming out of it.

then the other balloons started to pop too, one by one.

they heard the song 'dream a little dream of me' playing. the poster for the snowball distorted to a red color.

thunder started to rumble, making everything go to a dark color.

el saw the thunder rumbling in the memory, and walked towards it.

"he's here." max said. "i know he is."

max started grabbing chairs, and objects to block the door, with y/n doing the same.

y/n and max started blocking off the door with chairs, hoping to prevent vecna from coming in.

but, then they saw another door come up, the door from the creel house.

"you cannot hide from me." vecna said.

y/n heard a clock ticking in the distance, scaring her.

her and max both closed their eyes and thought of the good memories.

"you think i don't see what you're both doing?" vecna asks. "you think i don't see everything? you thought you could trick me? you thought your friends could stop me? i see them. i see your friends. just as clearly as i see you both. i can feel them dying."

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