thirty three

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MIKE SAT ON A CHAIR, in y/n's hospital room, she was alive, but she was in a coma

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

MIKE SAT ON A CHAIR, in y/n's hospital room, she was alive, but she was in a coma.

he sighed as he looked at y/n, laying on the hospital bed.

"god, y/n, i don't know if you can even hear me." mike began. "but, it's only been two days, and i really miss you."

"i know we're.. broken up, and we had a falling out, but i really do love you. i wished we could've just won against vecna, and then maybe.. maybe, we could've tried again. have our relationship start over."

"and, it's probably stupid to think about. you ignored me at school, but it's my fault, for letting you just slip away. i regret a lot of things in life. i regret being rude to you when i first met you in middle school,"

"i regret arguing with you that day at the mall, causing our first break up, i regret our argument a few months ago, causing our break up now, and yeah.. you get the point. but, i have no regrets in meeting you."

"i love you."

mike felt himself crying a little, but he quickly wiped his tears away, and his eyes.

then, the door swung open, revealing lucas, dustin, will, and el walking in.

"oh my god.." mike mumbled as he stared at will and el.

mike went up to will and hugged him, engulfing him in a tight hug.

mike pulled away from the hug with will, and went up to el, and hugged her.

"i'm sorry.." el whispered, to mike.

el saw y/n lying on the hospital bed, in a coma.

y/n had a neck brace around her neck, and casts on both of her arms, and leg, her eyes shut.

will, dustin, and lucas looked over at y/n, with a sad expression on his face

el pulled down her hoodie, and took a few steps closer to y/n.

el stared down at y/n, who was laying down in her coma.

"do they know..?" el asked mike. "when she will wake?"

"no." mike sadly replied. "they say she might not."

"her and max's heart stopped for over a minute." lucas added in. "they died. i.. i mean, clinically. but, then they came back. they say it's a miracle."

defensive -  mike wheelerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ