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SUMMER CAME AROUND for them, having them on summer break

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SUMMER CAME AROUND for them, having them on summer break.

after y/n and mike's kiss at the snowball, they were now in a relationship, and were happy.

max and lucas were still together, despite breaking up five times and getting back together.

dustin was away for now at summer camp, but he was gonna come back tomorrow.

y/n and mike sat on y/n's bed, making out, as mike had a grip on y/n's arm, the other arm wrapped around her waist, and y/n cupped mike's cheeks.

mike pulled away from y/n for a split second, to see she was smiling at him, he smiled back, then leaned back in, kissing her again.

y/n, however, pulled away once she realized something.

"mike, we're late." y/n spoke up.

"to what?" mike asked in confusion.

"the movie!" y/n reminded him.

"shit!" mike cursed. "i forgot about that."


mike made it to starcourt on his bike, and y/n on her skateboard, to find max, lucas, and will waiting for them.

"your both late." lucas reminds them.

"sorry!" mike and y/n apologized.

"again!" lucas adds.

"we're gonna miss the opening." will adds.

"yeah, if you keep whining about it." mike insults. "let's go!"

"'if you guys keep whining about it." lucas mocks mike.

"just please stop talking, dude." mike says, as they kept walking.

"let me guess, you were busy." lucas jokes, while he made kissing noises.

"oh, yeah, real mature, lucas." y/n says, in annoyance.

"'oh, y/n, i wish we could make out forever, and never hang out with any of our friends.'" lucas mocks mike again.

"lucas, stop." max warns.

on the other hand will was laughing at lucas' antics.

"will thinks it's funny." lucas reminds max

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