9. The Contract

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"Cause he is moving in with me."

At that moment, I knew my spontaneity would be the cause of my death in future.

Fuck my big mouth.

Dominos' jaw dropped as did Noah's, though I quickly closed his open mouth with my hand in a caressing motion.

Noah was looking at me with such incredulity, I felt ashamed of myself for blurting those words out of nowhere.

But what's done was done. I was so not taking them back. My original plan was to just drop Noah off at his place while being his fake boyfriend, but the way that smurf bitch acted made me livid. Especially the way he was threatening Noah, who the fuck talks like that to the person they love? My speculation about Dominos being a crackhead was proving to be right as time went by.

"You-you...." Dominos stuttered and I looked at him irritatedly, "You can't just move in with him!"

"Oh, he can," I pulled Noah closer to me, hating the way that guy was telling him what he could and couldn't do when he was only an unloyal and pathetic excuse for a boyfriend.

"No!" He screamed, too loud for my inhuman hearing, "You can't take him away from me!"

I tilted my head and then smirked, "Watch me."

I pulled Noah's frozen body forward with me, confidently striding ahead. I could feel Dominos' stare burning a hole through my head, making me fasten my pace.

"Flat number," I whispered near Noah's ear, who was still hostage to the shock of the entire incident.

Why the hell is this big muffin so slow at processing stuff??

"Whats. Your. Flat Number." I whisper yelled, pinching his side to get his response. I would rather break the glass windows at the end of the corridor and jump off the building instead of confidently passing Noah's flat without entering it.

"Five...." Noah got his mouth to work, thank fuck, "Five twelve."

Very, very fortunately we still had not passed the room, but we were just one door away from it.

"You have the keys?" I whispered a little louder now that we were away from the cheater.

"Back.." Was Noah's response and I assumed it was in his back pockets. He was in a stance for a long time now, and the scent he was giving off was turning more and more nauseous.

How deep in shock is he? I just said we were moving in, not that we actually are.

Assuming his hands weren't in working condition, I lowered my hand on his waist to his jeans pocket.

Stopping in front of the door with the number 512 written on top of it, I said politely,

"If you would excuse me,"

I shoved my hand in his back pocket and started searching for the keys.

Noah jolted in his place while I heard someone gasp behind us- definitely that toxic bitch. Oh yeah, since I was in this situation, might as well put on a show for him.

"I can't wait to get freaky with you baby!" I exclaimed with fake excitement, finally finding the keys, "You have such a soft butt."

"You're so not getting freaky inside my house!" Dominos screeched, though he stood where we left him, in front of the elevator. Weird, he didn't even bother chasing after his lover who brought another man home.

Eh, he is probably too lazy. Or he just doesn't actually care what Noah does.

And after interacting with him for the last ten minutes or so, I could confidently say it was the latter.

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