2. Confrontation

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"Did you think I am sitting around idle like you?" I roared at the idiots sitting in front of me, one of the idiots being my mate.

I had arrived at my mate's pack, the Modern World Pack, a few minutes ago and forced my way to his room.

While there was no sound coming from behind the closed doors, the smell of sex was still fresh in the air, which compelled me to kick open the door.

And as much as it tore my heart to see my mate tangled with someone else, the anger I felt for being stood up and finding him in that comprising position had me exploding in rage.

Xavier turned his eyes away from me at my question, only wearing the pants he put on in a hurry when I caught him doing the devil's tango with his blonde bitchy girlfriend.

On the other hand, his said bitch girlfriend (who wore my mate's shirt) just huffed out arrogantly.

"Don't think you're all that just because you are a model." She mumbled but I heard it anyway.

I sneered, "But I am all that," I gave her a mocking look, "You're just jealous you aren't as pretty as I am."

She flushed in embarrassment, an expression she hadn't put on even when I walked in on her doing my mate.

Rolling my eyes, I turned my attention to Xavier, "I thought we agreed on a date."

"He didn't agree to anything!" It was the unwanted bitch who spoke, "You forced him to go on a date with you! Though he didn't want-"

"Stop yapping your mouth and leave," I barely managed to stop myself from screaming at the wench who glared at me furiously as if I stole her mate, "I am talking to my mate, not you. So if you have a little conscience, which I doubt you do, leave."

"Madeleine is not leaving,"

Xavier spoke for the first time since I stepped into his room. As crazy as it was, his voice sounded so sweet to my ears, despite the bitterness of his words.

Madeleine bitch turned her flirty green eyes to my mate and twisted one of her blonde curls on her finger. My infatuated mate then smiled at her reassuringly, squeezing her hand, a silent promise to not let her go.

My heart clenched painfully as I watched the scene unfold, hearing Night howl in misery.

Stop. It hurts.

"Then tell her to shut up," I somehow managed to keep my voice from shaking. I had to look strong. I can't give him another reason to look down on me.

Madeleine frowned, ready to argue, "No I-"

"Maddie," Xavier looked at her so lovingly, I wanted to throw up my insides, "Let us talk, okay?"

Maddie pouted and curled her log of hair but didn't go against Xavier's words.

Hazel eyes clashed with my sky blue ones and my heart skipped a beat, goosebumps spreading throughout my body. Pink bubbles started surrounding Xavier who suddenly looked ten times more handsome- and him being half-naked was not helping the case, especially when he had a dashboard of eight packs. An invisible force of attraction tried to pull me closer to him and I wondered if he could feel the same as me.

Xavier quickly diverted his eyes and the pink bubbles surrounding him popped simultaneously, "I'm sorry for not showing up today."

I stared at him hard, he didn't look sorry at all, "Fine, if you are that sorry, then take me on a date next time."

I was trying not to come off as desperate but hell, I was. I wanted my mate and I was not giving up without trying everything.

Maddie's mouth opened as soon as I closed mine, but Xavier shushed her quickly.

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