4. Not in the Wrong

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Noah's POV

I gulped down my fear as I stared at the tall building in front of me. Never had it looked so intimidating as it did at that moment.

Hiding a trembling fist in my hoodie pocket, I stepped inside the apartment complex where I had lived for the last 1 and a half years.

The corridors that were familiar and homey now felt eerie and uncomfortable.

I wanted to run away.

I wanted to run away from this building. This city. This country.

I wanted to run away from him.

But I couldn't.

I had already run away the first time and spent a week mentally preparing myself to see him again. I had to hear him out. I couldn't just run away, not now.

My heart was erratic as I took the elevator to the fifth floor, an unpleasant memory playing in my mind for the hundredth time as it had been for the entire last week.

But this time, the memory did not feel like a memory. It felt like I had travelled back in time to the day when I was coming back from my parent's place to the place I called home.

I had taken the same elevator that day, feeling thrilled to reach my home, where I knew the love of my life would be waiting for me.

What I hadn't known back then, was that five other naked men would be accompanying him in our bed.

It felt like I was experiencing hell all over again.

I had to remind myself that this was the present. That this time, I was going to ring the doorbell even though I have the keys stuck in my back pocket. That this time, I would not see what I saw that day. I would give my boyfriend enough time to hide the evidence of his affair, if he was having one again.

Because if I see him with anyone else again, doing what he does to me, I would die of a broken heart before anything else.

I froze for a milli second when the elevator doors pinged open.

I stepped outside carefully into the long corridor full of doors to different apartments. The place I once called home, room 512, was the sixth door on the left side.

The place I still want to call my home.

With 37 steps more to go, I slowly walked towards the door, pushing back the unwanted memories from the last time I was here.

I wish I had never left in the first place.

The first semester of my second year at the university had ended over a month ago. It was a long vacation I had decided to spend with my mother back in my hometown for the first time in two years.

The trip was supposed to be a week-long since he said he couldn't bear to be away from me for longer than a week. But because of a hurricane alert, the trip was extended over three weeks.

And of course, he couldn't wait that long.

I wanted to blame the flights for being delayed, and the trains for not running. I wanted to blame the disaster management team for not making them run and taking away my chance to return early to him.

I wanted to blame God for creating the hurricane and preventing me from reaching my home before it wasn't mine anymore.

I wanted to blame every single being alive for my boyfriend cheating on me.

Blame everyone but him.

Dominic Quade.

My feet stopped and so did my heart when I saw the door to apartment 512 open.

A Sweet Revenge [On Hiatus]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon