They refused but agreed in the end. Plus no one will fall for me, relax. My brothers are too intimidating for someone to even think of approaching me. - Jungkooka

I approached you. - Taehyung.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, of course he was going to retort with that.

You are an exceptional case. – Jungkook.

Does that make me special? - Taehyung. There it was again, Taehyung's ego stroke moment. Jungkook had gotten so used to this and it made him laugh at how determined he was to prove his worth to him all the time. He wasn't even subtle about it. he just giggled before replying.

Yes, yes very special so don't worry, it will be fine. Don't you trust me? - Jungkook. Taehyung smiled before grimacing again.

I trust you. I just don't trust people. -Taehyung.

You sounded just like Jae hyung just now. He said the same thing a while ago. Also, you do realize I am guy too and you are a guy too right? -Jungkook.

Yeah, but you said I am special. I am different from them. - Taehyung.

Different how? - Jungkook

I love you that's how. - Taehyung. No matter how many times he said it, it still made Jungkook's face flush red.

Well, what if some other guy loves me in college? What then? - Jungkook. He was joking but he had a feeling Taehyung was going to end up getting triggered.

I will kill him. Do you even need to ask? -Taehyung.

hyung That was a joke but never mind. - Jungkook.

It better be. Don't joke about such stuff. You will know how torturous it feels like when you fall in love with me and I talk about others. - Taehyung.

So you will talk about other in front of me? Isn't that cruel? - Jungkook

Isn't what you are doing the same thing? Cruel, right? - Taehyung.

Alright fine. Point made. Anyway, it will be fine so relax. - Jungkook

It better be fine or I will personally transfer you to a college near to you so that your brother can take care of you - Taehyung.

Trust me, my brothers will be a step ahead of you. - Jungkook

I hope so. I feel anxious now. I wish I could go back a few years and study in the same college as you. - Taehyung.

What makes you say that? – Jungkook.

I want to experience life with you all over again. I feel like I am missing out on parts of your life that I want to be a part of. Maybe things would have been different then. - Taehyung.

Jungkook could tell he was upset and was indirectly referring to his injury as well.

Okay, not to lead you on or anything but I don't think we would even be talking right now if that was the case. - Jungkook.

What do you mean? - Taehyung.

I would probably be too scared of my brothers to even look at guys in college meaning if you were in my college I wouldn't even acknowledge you. - Jungkook

Really? Even with a face and personality like mine? - Taehyung.

Yeah. As long as you are a guy, the situation would be the same. So like I said before, you are an exceptional case. No matter how messed up it was, we met each other and this was meant to happen so don't feel bad about it. We even have matching bullet wounds, I mean the same leg. A couple more and we could probably make a constellation out of it . - Jungkook.

I will never let anyone hurt you again. Even if that person is yourself. -Taehyung.

I know, I know. I am just saying that things are better this way, I never would have gotten to know you if we had met in college. I mean not like I know you now at least. We have been through a lot, mostly me though. Partially cause you are crazy and annoying but yeah. –Jungkook

yeah but you have accepted those parts of me as well. Are you starting to fall for me now? - Taehyung.

I gave you a disclaimer before to not get your hopes high. - Jungkook

It's okay. I will wait as long as no one else decides to interfere. - Taehyung.

I don't think you will let anyone plus I have my hands full with you. - Jungkook

You are right about that. No one can or should come between us. Like you said, this was meant to happen. - Taehyung.

Stop using my words against me. - Jungkook

But I am an exceptional case. -Taehyung.

you are a meanie. I am not even going to say anything now. –Jungkook

Just let me know if anyone bothers you alright? - Taehyung.

So you can kill them and make me feel guilty about it? - Jungkook.

Exactly. - Taehyung.

You are crazy, you know that? – Jungkook

But you like that, don't you? - Taehyung.

No. – Jungkook

Keep lying to yourself. - Taehyung.

Where does this confidence even come from? - Jungkook

Loving you. - Taehyung.

Okay, that's it. I am going to sleep. Get home safe. And don't stay out too long. -Jungkook.

Are you worried about me? - Taehyung.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. Two could play at this game. He smirked as he replied.

Why? You don't want me to be? – Jungkook

Taehyung smiled. He was adorable, he couldn't help falling for him a little more every single day. He showed a different side of him all the time.

No, you should be. - Taehyung.

Great then take care of yourself hyung good night- Jungkooka.

Good night, little bun. I love you. -Taehyung. Seen at 11:43 p.m.

Two completely polar opposite people kept smiling through the night, not knowing what will tomorrow bring for them.

Jungkooks result surprised him and his entire family. He had scored all As and managed to get 100% scholarship for college. Hoseok had scored all As too and Jimin had scored all As apart from Chemistry but he was more than happy with his result. All of them were all set to start college in less than two weeks. Taehyung was happy for him and he was back in seoul. His family was proud of him too. Life was good.

However, all it took was one celebration for things to go downhill.


Thankyou for reading.

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