
Yoongi's thick lashes fluttered open. A white light of falling crystal flashes through his blurry vision as he strained to focus, but his eyelids were too heavy to lift all the way.

His mind was hazy. He squints his eyes, trying to remember who he is. He saw a figure of a person in front of him, and leisurely, they turned their head toward his direction. The sweet smiling face of his mother appeared in his sight and Yoongi's vision shifted back to focus.

"We're here," said Mrs. Park with a slight squeal of an excited teenage girl ready to see her long-time celebrity idol. Yoongi slowly sat up straight and gazed outside, seeing the giant trees standing on the white ground like mysterious figures silently watching him. It's ironic but Yoongi thought they knew he was coming and they seemed to smile at him with their toothless wooden mouth. The leaves glistened with snow as elegant silver glitters.

Yoongi stepped out of the car. He exhaled deeply. The air smelt of cold and wet. Canada smells differently from Korea, it has a strong filthy smell of dogs and mold. Yoongi thought he'll get used to it soon.

The hiemal breeze whooshed past the trees and blew against his rubicund cheeks. Yoongi looked up at the sky and watched the magical glitter spatter from the clouds. A snowflake dropped above his nose softly. Yoongi giggled, something he hadn't done since the day his mother told him they have to move to Canada. It began with light flakes and leisurely, the snow started to fall heavily. Yoongi let it fall onto his face, the snow beating gently against his face like the wings of a butterfly.

Yoongi loves winter more than anything. When he was six, he would jump onto the snowdrift and drown himself in their fluffy freezing embrace. He would sleep in a bed of snow if he could, but his mother says no and that he'll get sick if he does that.

"Yoongi, come inside now, honey!" A mellifluous voice called from afar. Yoongi turned to his mother. She was standing at the door, gesturing for him to come inside, and his father was standing next to her with the sweetest smile that looks so familiar-the exact smile he has on his face.

And for a minute, Min Yoongi had forgotten he once hated Canada and swore to never step on its ground.


He ran triumphantly to the brown wooden house. It has three steps on the front and a wide door, two windows facing towards the woods, and one towards the road.

Yoongi threw himself into his father's big muscular arms and hugged him firmly as he missed him so much.

"I missed you so much, dad," said Yoongi.

"I missed you too, buddy. Come and I have so much to tell you." They went inside the house with Mrs. Min padding close behind.

Even if he only gets to live with his father for seven years before he parted from them and pursued his hobby of being a hunter-Yoongi and his father have a strong bond that no one could break.

They sat on the couch and his father began to tell him about the wolves and bears that they had hunted down. Yoongi wasn't listening, he has no interest in wolves or bears and any hunting stuff but he managed to smile at his father, pretending to be engrossed in the story he doesn't understand.

His eyes wander the corners. The inside of the house looks better than he thought it would be. There are paintings and some deer and bear heads hanging on the walls. Yoongi felt uncomfortable looking at it. The haunted strange eyes seem to stare very still at him. And Yoongi imagines it alive and yelling helplessly at him to let it free.

He drove his gaze towards the table-they were knickknacks on the white mantel and some pictures in a frame.

"...and that night, we caught the biggest bear. It was so wild and strong, and we were struggling to pull the ropes. But I shot it in the chest and it fell to the ground with a loud thud. I took its head and used it as decoration. Do you see that bear's head on the wall? That's the head of the bears' mother."

"And oh, I think I should teach you how to hunt so you can use it in the future. Maybe when I die you can be the next hunting master after me," said his father.

"Sure," said Yoongi without looking at him.

"May I know where's my room?" He asked, and Mr. Min smiled.

"Of course, come follow me."

His father brought him into his new room. It is nothing like his old room. It was small and painfully boring. The monochromatic white walls irk him and Yoongi feels the urge to flake the paint from the walls and rip it apart.

Yoongi puts down the bag on the floor. He looked towards the small bed placed beside the window. It has dark blue foam and dark blue pillows, (Yoongi despises blue, especially the darker shade for the reason it looks murky.) It looks like the bed where mice sleep into. It looks nothing close to being comfortable, and if he gets to choose-he wouldn't sleep on them.

Everything Yoongi hates is in this room. He doesn't need something to make him mad as the room provides it all for him. All he just has to do is to pick which one to rend it to shred.

He sat on the bed carefully, afraid it would break under his weight. It squeaks under his butt as a clumsy mouse smashed under his feet. Surprised, Yoongi immediately stood up. He goes to the window and the wooden scenery greeted him. Yoongi decided nothing is interesting to see in there as the view was covered with dense trees. He looked as far as his vision could reach. From tallest to shortest trees lead deeper into the woods.

Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed and he hummed to himself. The farthest tree seemed to stare at him with its conspiratorial smile as if telling him to come closer. He couldn't fight the urge to fall into its tantalizing smirk and he whims to find the thing that hides behind the gray fog.

Yoongi looked away from the window and finally settled on a plan of exploring the place and perhaps he could make notes of something to love (besides the snow), instead of listing thousands of reasons to hate this house.

He grabbed a jacket from his bag and scampered down the stairs.

"Mom, can I go to the woods?!" Yoongi yelled.

"Sure, dear, but make sure to be back before dinner!" Mrs. Min yelled back.


He walked out the door and stepped into the snow. The wintry breeze walloped onto him. Yoongi quivered. "Oh, this is it, Yoongi. We're making our way to the woods," he said shakily to himself.

This is my first time writing a werewolf Au, and I'm kind of nervous. Please leave some feedback in the comment section and tell me what you don't like so I can fix it.

Ps. Don't forget to vote and add the book to your library and reading list so you'll be notified when the next chapter is posted. Also, you can pm me too and be my friend whether you like it or not. (Wait... I sound friendless in that statement-

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