I pull back slightly looking into his eyes, I can feel my lip start to tremble and my heart keeps pounding against my rib cage.

"He messaged me..." I whispered to him, Ezra's face turned stone cold. It's almost like he flipped a switch turning his emotions off.

"Where's your phone?" I nod my head towards my bathroom, he picks me up and places me back on my bed as I make his way to my bathroom.

I situate myself against my headboard, I pull my covers up to me again trying to keep warm. Why on earth is it so cold in here?

"You need to block him nat.'' Ezra emerges from the closet with my phone in hand. He looks beyond mad and i don't blame him, if someone was texting my best friends like that i'd be pissed.

"I know I should but I'm scared of how he will react.'' That thought alone makes me shiver. The thought of him possibly finding me here is terrifying honestly.

"You know I'd never let anything happen to you sweetheart. I've always got your back.'' He comes and sits next to me, he also leans his back against the headboard next to me.

"Even when I annoy you?" A small smile threatens my lips.

"Even when you annoy me."

"Even when I eat the last slice of pizza?"

"Even when you eat the last slice of pizza." He's now full on smirking at me, so much I can see his dimples.

"I'm guessing you're staying?" I looked up at him slightly. He gives me a smile before looking through my draws finding my snacks and tv control.

"You bet your sweet ass I am." I let out a laugh as he turned on the tv. I also snatch my blue sour patch kids from him. Knowing him he'd eat all of them.


After a while Ezra had to leave due to having practice but he made sure Abby was back first so I wasn't alone. When she entered the apartment she tackled me in a hug.

"I swear if Ezra hadn't texted us saying you were ok I would have tracked you down myself." She shakes my shoulders violently like I'm a crazy person. I end up getting really dizzy from it but can't help but laugh at her.

"I'm sorry I didn't text you ok, anyway we have outfits to pick out for the game." I pulled her into my room so she could help with my outfit. We both agreed to give up the school colors since it's too cold to care.

"Girl you have some nice ass clothes, why the fuck diont you wear them." she shuffles through my closet like it's a shop in a mall.

"Ok what about this, dark brown cargos, long sleeve tee, black hoodie that i think is your boy toys and your black puffer jacket.'' I throw a pillow at her when she calls Ezra my 'boy toy'.

"Yes I love it and he's not my boy toy you dingus." she just rolls her eyes at me and points to the clothes silently telling me to change.

She leaves my room to give me privacy, I came into this amazing outfit leaving the jacket off since we're inside. I go into my bathroom and put on all my jewelry, I brush my hair letting it fall down my back and spray some perfume. Taking a final look at myself I leave the bathroom making sure to grab all I need, walet, phone, shoes, jacket etc.

"NATASHA HELP ME!" im one room over why on earth is she screaming bloody murder?

I enter her room and see clothes everywhere. I'm still confused on how she can live like this but I've learnt not to question her. I turn to find her sitting in her closet looking like a lost child.

"What's up?" I lean against the door frame looking at her.

"What the fuck do i wear? I have no clothes, we need to go shopping soon by the way." she has too many clothes actually but anyway. I look at the clothes that haven't been thrown out of her closet yet.

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