Um ma'am put that finger down before I bite it.

"Right but that doesn't explain why you threw her on Ezra's lap.'' Cole chimes in from his position on the floor looking at all the coloured nail polish.

"Oh my gosh can I paint your guyses nails please!" they all let out a grown most likely remembering the last time.

The last time I painted their nails it got everywhere. Like the beds, the floor, the walls, even the freaking ceiling. No idea how. I look at all of them with the best puppy face I can , knowing that they will crack.

"Oh for the love of god, fine, fine!" Theo throws his hands up in defeat. I jump off the couch and launch myself at him, giving him a nice ol kiss on the cheek too.

"Oh my gosh I can do you hockey numbers on your nails since yall have a game in what 5 days?" I look at their captain who's glaring at his brother for some reason.

"Yeah you're coming right?" Ezra asks me.

"The fact you even have to ask me is offensive Ezra, of course i'm coming and so is Abby since she has no choice.'' I turn to my best friend who's grabbing drinks from the kitchen. She turns back to me and gives me a wink telling me she's down with my idea.

"Have you ever been to a game before?" JJ asks Abby as she hands him a drink. Abby sits down next to Theo while I take the spot on the floor between Cole and JJ getting ready to do their nails.

"No I haven't actually, my highschool did not have a hockey team, only a football team and I was never interested in all that. I stuck to myself mainly and hung around with my cousin and his friends."

"So this is your first one?" i asked her without turning since im now painting Coles nails a baby blue, they match his eyes how cute!

"Yup, which means you better stay with me Nat. I don't need either of us getting lost, mainly you since you're so little."


"She's not wrong and you should know by now how crazy these games are, and now they're going to be worse since college.'' Ezra chimes in, yes thank you captain obvious.

"Someone remind me to take a blanket for us, it gets so gosh darn cold at these games. Normally one of the parents brings one but obviously they won't be here, woah that's sad. Oh my gosh I need to call my mother." I jump up from my position on the floor and bolt to my room, before I close my door I hear everyone let out a laugh.

how dare they laugh at me, i want new friends.

I fall onto my bed laying on my stomach facing my window. It's currently sunset and I have the most perfect view of it. God, I love New york. I grab my phone from my pocket and press my mum's contact. I swear that women better be home or I'm driving down there and kidnapping her from work.

"Hi sweetheart!"

"Hi momma, how have you been?"

"Oh I've been ok darling, missing you like crazy. All us parents are, the streets are way too quiet." We both let out a small laugh.

"We miss all of you as well, the other day theo came to mine and asked for me to make cookies like Marie did. He nearly cried of happiness when I did."

"Oh that poor boy, they're all mommas boys honestly. So what's it like in the big apple, what's Abby like?"

"Oh mom you would love her, she's like my big sister. She's very protective of me, very confident. She has long blonde hair with really pretty blue eyes! Is a bit messy but as she says 'I'm a busy person with not enough time in the day.' She likes to challenge Ezra a lot, which is very entertaining."

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