
"Sorry love, saw the opportunity and had to take it." He took my hand and kissed the finger he bit. I felt my face heat up so I turned back to the front of the class and started taking notes.


"Happy birthday chocolate boy!" i run up to theo also tackling him into a hug, i end up getting lifted off the ground and spun.

"Thank you so much bestie! My god, why do you weigh nothing?" he asks, still holding me off the ground like a child.

"Put her down asswhole." I hear Ezra grumble from behind me. I look at theo with a confused look because he's never like this but all i get in return is theo smirking at me before putting me down.

"Happy birthday you two." Abby jogs up to us, she bumps Ezras fist and pushes theo. A bit too hard since he nearly falls on his butt.

"Ok rude, it's my birthday, why am I getting treated like this?" he grumbles walking off to where Cole and JJ are sitting. I look back at Ezra and Abby giving them a stern look before joining theo.

"I got you a present. See that red box, it's all yours." I point to the red box that's placed on the grass in front of us. We all sit down in a circle like we normally do, in between the birthday boys this time.

"Yours is the gray box, was going to give you a blue one but then i remembered you hate color." he just glares at me but i've known him long enough to know that he doesn't mean it in a mean way, not to me at least.

"Holy fucking shit! Nat you are my favorite person in the world this is the best gift i've ever been given! Oh my gosh this blanket is so soft." Theo wraps me in a hug and kisses my cheek a good four times.

"Your welcome theo."

"Holy shit romanoff. How long did it take you to do this?" Ezra flips through the book I bought him and his face is priceless.

"A good week, also got you some other bits and bobs.'' His eyes widened and within a second I was also being bought into a hug and getting kissed on the cheek.

"Thank you sweetheart, couldn't have gotten me anything better."

"Your notes are in the bottom of the box by the way." I tell them both once ive been released.

"Fuck yeah." they both say, freaking twins.

They both take the time to read their notes and I notice theos eyes start to water, not long after I see a tear roll down Ezras cheek. I made them cry?!

"Oh no, why are you crying?" Before they answer I get tacked by both of them into a hug. Now I'm a pretty small girl. I'm only what? 5'4 and like 115 pounds so being tackled by two 6'3 hockey players, it hurts.

"Oh my god, you two are going to kill her, she's only a little lady!" Cole shrieks while he and JJ pull the white twins off me. Once they're both off me I let out a long deep breath finally being able to feel my lungs again.

"Nat are you ok?" Abby asks once I sit up she has tears in her eyes from how much she's been laughing.

"I'm fine, I feel bad for the people you guys tackle in games." We all let out a laugh before falling back into a conversation, only Ezra is zoned in on the note I wrote him. I move right up next to him putting my head on his shoulder.

"What's up?" I whisper in his ear.

"nothing , it's just this line on the note." he points to one of the last lines i wrote.

'Give yourself some credit for the days you made it when you thought you couldn't.'

Oh, right.

"It's true, I know you have days where you think you won't make it. But each day you get out of bed and you push through. So yeah give yourself some credit." I kissed his cheek and whipped the tears from his cheek.

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