"It's really not."

"It is, now she might not have told me herself but I've seen the way she looks at you man. The same way you look at her. Like your worlds." he gives me a soft smile and i go to reply but my mind goes blank.

I do look at her like that because she is my world, scratch that she's my universe. But she looks at me the same way? No theos is just too invested in this so he's seeing things.



"I'm guessing Nat's beaten JJ at call of duty. Again." Theo chuckles before getting off my bed heading towards the door.

"Come on, wait one more thing. Don't get jealous of that Noah dude because I know for a fact that Nat would never go for him. He's too much like JJ and Cole so don't stress about it."

"I wasn't jealous.'' I grumble while following  him towards the main room. As we enter I see Nat and JJ sitting on the floor in front of the coaches headsets on and controllers in hand. Cole is next to Abby on the other couch eating while laughing at the other two.

"Let me guess romanoff is beating the shit out of you at a game you play nearly everyday." I say to JJ while taking a seat behind Nat on the couch, once I sit she leans back against my legs.

"I dont get how she does it she only plays it when shes here so how the fuck is she so good." he grumbles.

"Excuse me she is right next to you and gosh darn it, watch your language." This makes everyone in the room burst out in laughter except JJ who is still sulking.

"Ok im out theo you play." She passes him the controller and headset before sitting next to me on the couch as Theo takes her space on the floor.

"So everyone, how has the first week of college been?" Cole asks, why does he sound like a mother saying that?

"College is so much better than highschool. Although I miss our pool parties." Theo says as his character is getting killed by JJ's.

"Y'all had pool parties?" Abby raises her eyebrow looking at me and Tasha probably confused at the tour party considering I hate people and her anxiety.

"They were not the type of parties you're thinking about. It would just be us five together at one of our pools, mainly Nats, with music and food. It's how we normally spent our summers, oh and cooking together in her kitchen was fun." a small smile creeps up on my face as I recall the memories.

"Oh my god yes! We used to make homemade pizzas but it would be a disaster considering only me and Nat really know how to cook. One time me and her ran to the store to get something just to come back to see these idiots had set the cookies on fire." Cole points an accusing finger at me and the two guys on the floor.

"Hey in our defense we didn't know how to use an oven at the time so we set it all the the highest temp thinking they would cook faster but then we got distracted because theo saw a butterfly.'' JJ argues back and they all start going back and forth with whose fault it was, even though it was 3 years ago.

"How have we dealt with them for nearly 19 years?" Nat whispers to me and I can't help but let out a small laugh.

"God knows. If they didn't have us they would end up dead being as dumb as they are."

"Ezra!" She gasps and wacks my arm but I see the small smile threatening her lips.

I smirk at her and she just rolls her eyes at me before turning back to the group and leaning her head on my shoulder. I let out a small sigh before leaning my head on hers.

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