Repairing Zeta Prime!

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An: Ninjacomix. Inkling62. Williamjwb87. Tempest68.

At Deities Pantheon territory.

Outside the population territories is a massive endless field where Zeta Prime is currently located and being repaired.

It took minimum damage but the most damage is the source of Zeta Prime itself as it was drain and completely destroy from Malevolenternatus attack.

Currently both Guardians and Deities Pantheon are helping with the damage and managed to save lives while keeping the death to a minimum which was 10 adults.

However at the source of Zeta Prime or what remains of it are Comix, Inkling62, Williamjwb87, Tempest, and myself.

Comix: "How does it look Meaux?" He ask as I was finishing up my status of Zeta Prime source.

Me: "Not so great as the attack completely drained the source and destroy the connectors. Thankfully I can repair those within a few days but Zeta Prime source need to be replaced as if it get replaced then Malevolenternatus can do that attack again" I said.

Tempest: "Why don't we just attack their empire and do what they did to their power source!" He said angry that he wasn't here when the attack happened.

???: "Probably because they don't use any normal source like you lot use" a familiar male voice spoke causing us to turn to see someone we didn't expect to come.

???: "Probably because they don't use any normal source like you lot use" a familiar male voice spoke causing us to turn to see someone we didn't expect to come

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Me: "Waldron!?" I said completely surprise that my doppelganger would be here.

Tempest: "Why are you here!?" He said and was about to throw a punch when Williamjwb87 put his hand on his robot arm.

Williamjwb87: "He ain't worth the punch besides he only an ally with Malicious Regime" he said which Tempest thought then relax his arm but glare at Waldron.

Waldron: "I'm here to tell you that attacking the Malicious Regime empire source is impossible as they don't have a source" he said surprising us about this information.

Comix: "Then how is their empire getting it power from!" He ask which Waldron sigh.

Waldron: "It from the only source that none of you not even that celestial demon can handle that" he said confusing them until I realized what source he's talking about.

Me: "The Malicious Regime empire is being power by the Source of Evil!?" I said which shock everyone except for Waldron who just nod.

Tempest: "How can a pit be emitting power?" He ask a bit confused.

Waldron: "The Malicious Regime empire isn't really an empire but an fortress that have five hundred pure innocent souls imprisoned and near the pit to prevent anyone from freeing them" he said surprising us at how many souls the Malicious Regime have.

Me: "dang but there got to be another reason for you being here" I said.

Waldron: "... I'm here to offer you a source that can't be drained nor destroy by Malevolenternatus" he said summoning a orb which is unlike anything we have ever seen.

Williamjwb87: "What the hell is that?" He ask only for Waldron to fling the orb inside the destroyed source then he vanish as a bright light cover the room

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Williamjwb87: "What the hell is that?" He ask only for Waldron to fling the orb inside the destroyed source then he vanish as a bright light cover the room.

A few seconds later.

It wasn't long until the light vanish and we can see again but to our surprised the entire room is repaired including looking different.

It wasn't long until the light vanish and we can see again but to our surprised the entire room is repaired including looking different

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I quickly check the status and discover that the power is producing triple the power the original source was giving out.

Me: "Dang!" I said completely surprise at this twist.

Comix: "Well look like we might be able to get back into our feet in no time" he said however I frown as I try to figure out why would my doppelganger help Zeta Prime.

Tempest: "Um why did he called me an Celestial Demon?" He ask which we have no clue.

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