"Don't talk to me." He sneered. "I am doing this for your Uncle, I could not care less about you two."

   My eyes widened at his words. His voice had this snarl to it that sounded like he was on the defence and his eyebrows were slanted diagonally with his forehead covered in wrinkles. He looked constantly angry and it ages him a good few years. I bet he was getting served in the shop before he was eighteen.

   I heard what Jay had said and decided to speak up for us. If I didn't now, I never would. "Look, Stanley has invited us over specifically. You had no right speaking to us in that manner. Just because you are his lackey does not mean you have to take it out on us. Now, I suggest you speak to us nicer or I will have words with Stanley."

   I did not even know Stanley and yet as soon as I mentioned his name, Rhys' features relaxed, not by a lot but with just enough difference for me to notice in the mirror.

   "And what are you going to say to him?" Rhys sneered. "I have been working with under him since I was seventeen, that is three years if you can't count, and so whatever I say is considered a lot more than what you have. Newbie."

   Jay's words of me being able to take him were sitting at the front of my mind, I bet I could. As he steered the car you could see how skinny his wrists were and from when I saw him last week I knew that he was not built up with muscle at all. There was more fat in a chip pan than on him.

   After another five minutes of driving in silence – does the guy even like music? We arrived outside Stanley's house. I got out of the car, keeping my eyes on Jay to make sure he doesn't disappear from my view. I didn't care about Rhys but I was scared of Stanley – I was not afraid to admit that.

   We stepped inside, the house was still as dark as it was last time. Stanley stepped from outside of the kitchen, "Boys, nice to see you!" He greeted enthusiastically as he put his two, strong arms around us both, cementing us to his side.

   He walked us into the kitchen that had a few more people in and sat us down. As soon as my ass planted on the wooden chair, I realised that there were six people all looking down on us both. It was making me feel exposed. I did not like the way they were looking at us.

   I kept Jay in the corner of my eyesight, waiting for him to say something. One, two, three... the seconds passed and yet Jay was still sat there while these men stared at us like we were pieces of meat they wanted to tear apart.

   What felt like five minutes had passed before no one said anything so I stood up. I didn't like it and was not going to be forced to do something I didn't want to do. "Can I ask why you asked me here please?" I asked as I looked at Stanley, avoiding the other stares – especially the hateful one from Rhys.

   He blew out a large breath, the smell of whiskey landing straight on my face, "Wow lad, I thought you were never going to speak up," he chuckled before slamming a hand on my back. I spluttered for breath as the wind left me, making them all laugh. "Stand up."

   I did as he said, my breathing still a little hard. "So, what now?"

      "Well, now I need to get some food down you, I am assuming you haven't eaten since dinner time?" Jay nodded his head so I reluctantly nodded mine as well. "Okay good, what do you fancy? Chinese? Indian? Pizza?" I gulped. If Jay didn't answer this one I was going to beat the shit out of him at school tomorrow!

   "Can we have a pepperoni pizza to share?" I gave Jay a nod to tell him he got it right and turned back to Stanley. The other guys had settled down and weren't concentrating as much now on us which made me feel less like I was some test subject. I was half expecting them to grab bloody clipboards and start monitoring my every movement while murmuring to each other.

   "Is that it?"

      "Yeah, my grandma always feeds me, even when I've stayed out at a friend's house," I laughed uncomfortably. "And then if I don't eat it all she goes mad and starts telling me about when she was a little girl and had to eat the whole apple in the war because they weren't to waste food."

   The guys laughed at my story making me smile.

      "I'm not even lying, she even made my younger brother sit at the dinner table for three hours because he wouldn't eat his brussell sprouts. I tell you now, sprouts have been his favourite food since."

   They carried on laughing and it made me feel so much taller, like I belonged with them. I don't know where this confidence came from but it had me carrying on telling them little stories from our house about how much of a battle axe my grandma is and how my granddad just lets her do what she wants.

   Even Rhys gave a small smirk at one point but if I had blinked I would have missed it.

Hey! It isn't that long but I just wanted to upload something for now. The next chapter should be set in the past as well and will just lead off from here :)

So what do you think so far? Do you still like it? And who is your favourite character? :D

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