A New Beginning

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Carmella's story ended with a wedding and mine begins with one. The tables were set by my mother and sisters at St. Leonard's. Freddy had agreed to be my flower girl. Carmella was my Matron of Honor and Rupert was one of Emory's groomsmen. No one else from the family came. We had decided to marry in December. I've always loved the snow, even when it's a bit grimy with the soot of London.

As we prepared for the ceremony in the Rector's office, Carmella made suggestions for my future. She was still quite obsessed with me advertising to solve mysteries. Her insurance was starting to wear me down.

"You could make quite a profit. I'm sure there are many ladies who need help solving their issues," Carmella said.

"I can help you with your business," Freddy said.

"Freddy, you already are an actress, have offered to help Mrs. Jones in her bakery when she needs it, and want to help plot against the Woolridge brothers. Aren't you spreading yourself a bit thin?" I asked.

She gave me a little curtsy. She wore the same dress she'd worn for Carmella's wedding. She'd been offered a new one, but apparently Floyd had said she looked smashing in it. Now she wore it at every opportunity.

"I have lots of energy. It's one of my best qualities," she said.

"If I decided to give your idea a try, I don't think I would advertise in the newspaper. That could be quite dangerous. Also, are you thinking I would do this from your house?" I asked.

"I suppose to begin with. It will be just you and Emory while we're in Egypt, so there's plenty of room. If things go well, you could rent an office. Maybe you can make enough to find a place which could be his workshop and your office," Carmella said.

I shook my head. My friend and employer always had big dreams for herself and me, but I couldn't argue with how her last one had turned out. She'd ended up with a popular play and a husband. I had read the story which gave her the idea. I still thought it was unfair to make the murderer an animal from another country. If this happened in reality, it would certainly baffle the police, but it would likely stymie any other type of detective as well.

"How would you get clients if you don't advertise?" Freddy asked.

"I would rely on word of mouth. I would also let Father Angus know that I wish to help any of his parishioners with issues they have. Then there's Mother, if I told her about your idea she'd be happy to pass along ladies she knows with problems I might be able to solve."

Carmella nodded. "Word of mouth. You wouldn't get any noble ladies that way."

"I doubt any noble ladies would agree to have a lady's maid solve their mysteries."

She laughed. "You might be surprised."

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