74 // mostly horizontal

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that title. i cry
Oh my gosh. I'm so excited ive been waiting to do this for like 70 chapters.
But it's not over yet.
Not that easy hahah
The door is open when I try it, so I let myself in and walk as loudly as I can down the short hallway. Cam is on the floor, messing with the DVD stack by the shelf, and looks up over his shoulder with a grin.

"Hey, Kat." The way he says it makes me feel all warm and gooey inside. I let myself fall onto the couch, nestling into the corner.

"Hi, Cambriel. So what are you watching?" Klose mrrps as he steps off of Cam's futon in the next room and waddles up to the couch.

"Klose! Look who's here!" Cam scoops him up to deposit the orange cat on his lap, and strokes his flattened face. "Do you remember Katherine? Say hi." The cat looks up with sleepy insouciance, and puts his head back down on Cam's knee. His purrs full the room as Cam continues rifling through the plastic cases. "Ugh, I can't find it. What do you want to see?"

"Well, we could always watch Gilmore Girls, I haven't seen season two." I shrug because frankly I'd be fine with anything.

He messes about with the machine for a few more minutes before turning the TV on and staggering to his feet. Klose holds his t-shirt (a plain white t-shirt that makes his skin glow) as Cam makes his way to the couch before dropping beside me with an amazingly unhealthy-looking slouch.

Klose mrrps in irritation makes himself comfortable in the depression between his shoulder and chest.

Cam slants a glance at me, and my face colours when I realize we're both essentially horizontal, and the room is darker than I realized. His shoulder is about in inch shy of mine, nonetheless the warmth seeps through my sleeve.

"So, how's Alex?" Buzz. Kill.

I roll my bottom lip in thought. "I think... I think he likes me."

Cam kind of squawks. "Of course he does, don't sound so surprised or I'll throw Klose at you."


"It's just kind of inconvenient. And I... I'd feel bad about saying no."

"No? To what?"

"He was possibly planning to ask me out yesterday. Like official or something."



"Well... okay here's a warning, tell me if I offend you."


"Okay, so if you're kissing then and he wants to do more and you say no, don't let him make you feel bad."

"Why would I feel bad?" I ask, and he snorts.

"Maybe you wouldn't, but he might say 'you don't know what it's like,' or 'it hurts,' but don't listen."

"You've used it?"

"No, my mom said she'd personally castrate me if I did." I arch an eyebrow. "I know."

"Okay. Thanks?"

"Don't even, I care about you." I care about you.

We sit watching Lorelai talk about marrying Max (a stupid decision) and Sookie make cookies for an entire episode in silence. A nice, companionable silence.

Klose hops off of Cam, and toddles into the kitchen; Cam follows him with his eyes, curiously.

"Do you think you'll... um, make it official with Alex?" He ventures, tipping his head to look at me. He's got an odd look on his face, like he's wholly, entirely convicted about what he's asking. I hope he is.

"Probably not. I don't... like him that much." I shrug, and it somehow brings us closer. The sun is going down and his face is slightly shadowed, and his eyes shine at me. How they manage that, I haven't the slightest clue.

"Kat... I... I'm not good enough..." he starts, softly, his breath fanning my face.

"Oh, shut up," I reply, and somehow our lips are millimetres apart. We were close, but now we're closer. His jaw ticks, and he breathes a sigh.

"Kat..." then his lips are on mine and he's kissing me and kissing me and I'm falling.

Please tell me you're screaming.


Balconial ConversationsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora