36 // hellos

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Brandon. Yes, THAT Brandon is my fav book right now @grouchstories is awesome.
I walk out of school smiling, an unusual occurrence.

"Bye, Kat." Gabriel calls from his locker. I give him a bland wave before pushing through the heavy double doors.

It's sunny and gorgeous out with just the hint of a cool breeze. The sky is a perfect deep blue, barely marred by a cloud.

And Cam... is here.

He stands, paused, by the front steps with his hands in his pockets, and when he sees me he does the chin-up hello.

His hair is a mess like it used to be, curling over his eyelashes, and he brushes it away into a half-wave.

"Hey, my last lecture just ended. Thought I'd walk you home." He says, adjusting his backpack and walking beside me. His hoodie is black and unzipped, flapping at his sides.

"Okay," I tell him, easily, because walking with him is nice. "Good day?"

"Pretty good, yeah."

"Run into any crazy exes?"

"Not today," he chuckles. How about you?"

"No exes, but I had a nice day." I tell him.

"You're smiling."

"I know."

"You should do it more."

I turn to look at him, and he gazes back at me. I can see my reflection in his eyes.


He nods. "Want to come over to my place?"

"Is your roommate going to be there?"

He snorts. "No."

"Um... maybe."

"Yeah? Cool. I'll make you a mango smoothie."

"Well, with an offer like that who could say no?"

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