34 // datelike

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edit: i liked tfios two years ago but it's pretty tired and i'm sick of the references and ALSO you dooo realize that yanno, people repeated words BEFORE "okay?" "okay."

aight? perf bye


I wear a long sleeved t-shirt and jeans. It's not a real date, and it's not as if he'll be impressed by that since he's always seen me like this.

When he knocks on the door, I scribble a note on the island for mom; gone out with a friend. Back by eleven. xx

Then I answer it.

Cam stands in the hallway with a pressed blue shirt and dark skinny jeans beneath a light double breasted wool coat. His hair is gelled into a more orderly wave than usual, and his eyes sparkle at me.

"Hi, Kath."

"It's Kat. Cambriel."

"You look nice."

"What are you talking about?"



"You always look nice, and I'm also being datelike."



We go to an "authentic Napoli" pizza place, which is basically a very warm room with the circular kitchen in the centre, surrounding a giant stone oven. The hostess greets Cam by name, and he gives her this smile I've never seen before; it couldn't be more fake if it was constructed of plastic.

"So, tell me more about you, Kath." He says with a smirk, dropping his napkin in his lap.

I narrow my eyes at him, then feel my lips curling into a smile. "Well, I love puppies and taking long walks in the rain."

"What about beaches? You like beaches?"

"Love them, especially sunbathing in a bikini."

He laughs. "We're made for each other, then." He doesn't peruse the menu, but leans on his forearms. "Tell me something real."

I tap my lip with my butter knife. "You know a lot about me, Cam."

"Where did you live before here?" His eyes are strange in this light, warm and melting, hypnotizing.

"Oh! We lived in Dawson's Creek."

"Like the show?" He arches an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I didn't like it there and the pay sucked, so we moved." I shrug. "What about you?"

"Um... well... I've never had a longer relationship than a week."



"Not surprised," I tell him with a smirk. He pouts.

"Hi, my name is Lena and I'll be your waitress this evening. What can I get you?" Her voice is harsh and cutting, and she addresses Cam solely.

He blanches; eyes widening, lips parting, hand coming up to run through his hair.

"Hey... Lena." He says awkwardly. She snaps her gum and stares at him shrewdly.

"What you you like to drink?" I think she's addressing me, but her eyes are on him.

"I'd like a lemonade, please." I tell her, and without a word she walks away.

I raise my eyebrows at him in silent question. He smiles in a self-conscious way. "She and I dated for a week."


"And, I dumped her at her sister's wedding reception, who she competes with for everything. It was kind of ugly."

"I can imagine."

"Sorry, I didn't know she was working here."

"I'd be surprised if you could go anywhere without seeing ex-girlfriends."

He bites his lip, hiding a smile. "So, what kind of pizza would you like, Kather?"

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