interlude \\ 62

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*in the media* Bro, i am very flattered about the whole baby-naming thing. I told that pickup line to my best friend and she laughed really hard.
I love Harry Potter pick up lines they're my fav i think.
And I still read your user as justHUGS not thugs haha.
But hiiiiiiii. I appreciate you :))

"So, what do you like to do for fun, Kat?" Alex asks, shifting from foot to foot as we stand in line for popcorn. I would have just skipped it because I hate lines, but I'm not quite comfortable enough to say it.

"I like movies." I tell him, looking at my feet to escape his friendly gaze. He's very cute, very polite, and he paid for my movie ticket, and I feel incredibly bashful standing beside him. He's tall, too, a good half-foot taller than I am.

"Yeah, which ones?" He cocks his head to the side like a Labrador when he's listening, his light brown hair falling across his forehead in straight sweeps.

"Um, anything with Meg Ryan, really. And Tom Hanks... and just about every other one." I chuckle, nervously. He smiles encouragingly.

"So, French Kiss? Sleepless in Seattle?" The silver barbell on his tongue flashes as he runs it over his bottom lip. He's got a nice mouth, very flat and wide and a full lower lip he's always chewing on when we're not talking.

"You know movies?"

"Yeah, my dad's kind of an amateur aficionado."

"I have never heard a seventeen-year old guy say the word aficionado." Even more impressive; I bite the inside of my cheek.

"Yeah, well." He shrugs angular shoulders.

"So what do you do?"

"Um... I skateboard sometimes. I also babysit my little brother a lot. My mom's not around and my dad works late."

"How old is he?"

"Nine. His name is Emmett." He smiles fondly as we step forward with the line, in unison.

"That's cute."

"He is, want to see a picture?" He fishes out a phone and tips it towards me. The lock screen features an adorable boy sporting cherubic curls and twin dimples, smiling delightedly at the photographer with sparkling brown eyes.

"He's got your eyes."

"Yeah, he got lucky." He winks and I giggle.
#nohate on #kathlex ok?

The last paragraph was kind of awks idk.

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