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Jisoo really didn't sleep all night. At first, she just lay in the dark, enjoying the closeness of Jennie, weightlessly stroking her hand with her fingertips and inhaling the scent of perfume, which now, when Jennie was so close, enveloped Jisoo completely, and it was possible to easily drown in it. Then, when, after an hour or even two, Jennie breathed deeply and evenly, Jisoo realized that she must already be leaving a red mark on Jennie's hand, and stopped stroking her, but did not move away. Instead, she laid her head next to the brown curls spread out on the pillow and tried to fall asleep.

But it was not there.

The closeness of Jennie, the warmth of her body, the smell, the silky touch of her hair — was it possible to fall asleep next to her? Jichu ached to snuggle closer to the younger Kim, put his hand on her belt, pull her to him, slide his palm over her stomach, feeling how she smiles in a dream and snuggles tighter, looking for warmth. But Jennie wouldn't look for her warmth. After what Jisoo heard this evening, was it possible to think of anything more than friendship? Could Jennie think of her in the same way after what she, in fact, relived, telling about Kristen and her terrible fate? Jisoo was a realist, and she understood that, having experienced such a thing, a person is unlikely to be able to learn to love again.

Does she want Jennie's love?


Until now, Jisoo didn't think of it as love. Jennie has always been a secret for her behind seven locks, and these locks fell to the floor, the doors opened, and it turned out that Jennie's life is still filled with Kristen, her image, guilt and fear of life.

And you, Jisoo, are getting married to Edward Kim tomorrow, you haven't forgotten, a nasty whisper whispered in her head. Yes, married, and you agreed to it yourself, and all the guests have already packed their things, the mansion is full of fuss, a lot of money has been spent on preparation, and instead of thinking about the wedding, you are lying next to the girl you want to the point of insanity, and thinking about her love.

The thought of Edward and the wedding did not hurt Jisoo at first — this part of life seemed to cease to exist while he and Jennie were together — but now, when the sun was gradually coloring the room, making the sleeping Jennie's hair lighter and her skin golden, the upcoming evening and tomorrow became a reality, and the memory of the wedding invaded into this intimate world where Jisoo guarded Jennie's dream. Jennie never turned over all night, just straightened her legs, relaxed, put her hand on her hip, and then, in the morning, escaping from the sunlight falling on her face, she turned slightly, which made Jisoo see her cheek, nose, long quivering eyelashes, lips parted in a dream, and the elder Kim lifted up on her elbow, reveling in this view, which she had dreamed of for so long: this is what Jennie looks like in the morning when she sleeps. Warm, relaxed, lost her usual impassiveness, so defenseless in the sunlight caressing smooth skin.

Apparently, I was born to look at sleeping people, Jisoo thought bitterly, remembering how Edward slept in her bed that gray London morning. But I didn't want to touch Edward the way I wanted to touch Jennie—blindly, to the point of trembling, to the point of pain in clenched teeth, to the point of dizziness. Edward was cozy and sweet, Jisoo felt needed and loved next to him, and with Jennie... With Jennie, she wanted everything at once, and it burned with a red-hot iron, turning inside out, and Jisoo did not suspect at all that she was able to feel that way.

Jennie shook her head slightly, as if she was waking up, and Jisoo hastily, furtively moved away, wondering what time it was and whether she should leave so that Jennie woke up alone or stay to share the morning awkwardness for two. But Jennie didn't wake up. She breathed more evenly, deeply and peacefully, and her breasts, covered with a gray T-shirt, moved steadily and calmly. Jisoo put her head on the pillow, and without taking her eyes off Jennie's profile, allowed herself to dream. Edward often woke her up in the morning to have sex, and it wasn't always pleasant — sometimes Jisoo wanted to sleep more, but she always gave in to his insistence. I wonder if Jennie likes lazy morning sex? Could she smile through her sleep, feeling a gentle hand penetrate under her T-shirt and stroke her breasts? Could you move closer, making a sigh that speaks of desire? A hot wave crawled down Jisoo's stomach, her heart squeezed sweetly, and she closed her eyes and tried to distract herself from these thoughts.

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