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Kim's luxurious mansion in the vicinity of London was about two hundred and fifty years old. It was built for his mistress by a certain Duke Milton, who was in favor of King George III, and after the marriage of this mistress with the impoverished Count Kim, the house became a family estate for numerous descendants of the family. Count Kim died early, and his widow, Victoria, who gave birth to her husband's three sons, at the end of her life took up the cultivation of roses and gradually created one of the best nurseries in the kingdom. Since then, all Kim's descendants have been breeding varieties of roses, and by the 21st century they owned a multimillion-dollar fortune, several airlines, a huge collection of expensive paintings and lands in the lower reaches of the Thames. In 2022, the head of the Kim family, William, continued to live in Kim House with his unmarried daughter and numerous servants who serviced the mansion, which consisted of four floors and occupied an area of one hundred and fifty acres of land. Around the house there was a park overgrown with century-old oaks, a river flowed, there were stables and cattle pens - according to the old sentimental habit, the Kims kept thoroughbred cows and sheep, whose meat was considered a delicacy and served in the best restaurants in England.

Jisoo Kim listened to all this while sitting in a huge black Rolls-Royce of her young man, Edward, who drove her along a well-maintained highway to this very mansion to introduce her to her father, Mr. Kim, and sister. Jisoo, who found out about her boyfriend's high status quite recently, was rather nervous, and Edward's story did not add to her self-confidence, because six months ago, when she met a handsome young man at tennis, she did not suspect that she could get into the high society of England, in which multimillion-dollar mansions and a two-hundred-and-fifty-year pedigree were something"something mundane, like the veranda breakfasts her mother liked to have at their little cottage in Tavistock Square. Jisoo was originally from USA, her grandmother emigrated to England in the seventies and already in London met a young Clint Park, whom she married and lived all her life until her death in the late nineties. Jisoo was just a baby then, and she barely remembered her grandmother, but she was friends with her grandfather, who lived with her mother after her wife's death, and it was he who taught her to ride and play tennis, and Jisoo adored the old man, but very often laughed at his charming eccentricities.

Jichu met Edward last fall on an indoor court, where many young people from high society came to play. Kim was there thanks to her friend, Olivia, who worked as an instructor. Olivia knew many players, and it was she who introduced Edward to Jisoo, who immediately noticed a black-haired girl with a strong punch running after a ball on a nearby court, and madly wanted to treat her to coffee. Later, he told Jisoo that he had never met people like her, and although Kim understood his words correctly, now, listening to the groom's stories about the Kim family nest, she thought sadly: "Of course, you haven't dated suburban girls like me. Your exes were probably all the daughters of duchesses and baronesses". She immediately felt uncomfortable, and Edward noticed it.

-Is something wrong?- He asked cheerfully, putting his hand on his beloved's knee. Jisoo turned her gaze to the window, where the plain spread evenly, covered with sparse clumps of green trees. It was May, and the lush emerald fields were adjacent to groves that had just been dressed with tender foliage, some birds were flying low over the fields, and the air smelled fresh. There was no sun, but the sky looked high and clear, and Kim involuntarily smiled at these indisputable signs of spring.

-I was just shocked when you said your last name was Kim, and now I'm completely fucked up...- She said this word on purpose, remembering how at the beginning of their acquaintance she tried to shock Edward by deliberately using expressions that, in her opinion, should have cut the ears of a refined aristocrat, but he only laughed and kissed Jichu, and her profanity seemed charming to him. Jisoo then told Olivia that she was also meeting such a guy for the first time - it seemed to her that all aristocrats were completely boring and snobs, and Edward was his own, and this shocked her no less than the view of Kim House from the hill, which shone like a diamond in the crown of some emperor: a majestic mansion red brick, spread out among green meadows, it was simply magnificent, and Jisoo even opened her mouth slightly, clinging to the car window.

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