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The morning started with a call from Edward, and Jisoo was not ready for this.

Returning home in the evening after dinner with Jennie, she couldn't sleep for a long time and kept thinking, thinking: both about the stunning confession that Kim made, and about her own confession to herself, put into words for the first time — that she was unrequited and hopelessly in love with an amazing girl who, by the will of fate, stood in her way. In the morning, Jisoo still managed to fall asleep, catch a piece of a hazy dream, but as soon as she sank into a restless doze, the phone rang, rudely reminding her of the surrounding world and its problems.

-Hello?- The girl said in a hoarse voice from sleep, pressing the phone to her ear and not even looking at who was calling.

-Honey? Everything is fine? You sound weird...- Edward replied in a concerned tone.

Jisoo sighed and put her hand on her burning forehead, as if trying to cool it down.

-Yes... Of course, everything is fine.

She opened her sore eyelids and looked at her watch—it was almost half past nine. According to her calculations, she fell asleep at eight.

-How are you? Did you and Jennie agree on anything there?

Oh, yes, Edward, we had a great deal, and now I just don't know what to do after we "agreed" with your sister, who drives me crazy.

-Yes, of course.- She said, wincing in agony and covering her face with her hand, as if Edward could see her.

-And I'm here...

And he started talking about Vancouver and some Lewis, who "doesn't understand a damn thing about economics, but climbs into ministers," but Jisoo almost didn't listen to him. She remembered last night, Jennie's words about the portrait she was going to paint, and an unprecedented feeling of warmth somewhere in the depths of her chest flooded her whole. There was only one desire — to jump up and run quickly to where Jennie was, to see her again, to talk to her, because a whole night had passed since they had seen each other, and it seemed to Jisoo that at least a hundred years had passed.

-By the way.- Kim interrupted Edward, who was talking about Lewis.- Jennie offered to paint my portrait yesterday. As a wedding gift. How do you feel about this?

Edward paused for a moment, as if considering what he had said.

-Uh... So she told you?- There was uncertainty and a strange anxiety in his tone, as if he was worried whether Jisoo had received this information correctly.

-That she is — Lesyeuxdenini? Yes, she told me.- Jisoo paused, remembering Jennie's big, twinkling eyes in the semi-darkness when she showed her the workshop.

-Great.- There was a flicker of relief in Edward's tone.- I'm glad you know now. I'm sorry, I couldn't tell you, it's not my secret, you know.

Kim nodded, even though he couldn't see her.

-So she's going to paint you?


Jisoo is just now thinking about the true meaning of these words. Jennie will paint her portrait, which means that they will stay together in her studio, and she will look at Jisoo, study her face and figure, slide her gaze over her, sit Kim in the right position, speak or be silent, rustling the brush on the canvas, and a shiver of excitement ran down Jisoo's back from thoughts about how it will be.


She woke up from a sudden, uninvited stupor and shook her head.

-Yes. I'm here.

A girl from high society [JENSOO]Where stories live. Discover now