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And here she is again in this house, in this living room, illuminated by the last rays of the setting sun, again with Jennie, who is standing opposite, at the coffee table, and looks as if waiting for something.

After dinner, which this time was brought from the mansion in special dishes (John brought it, and Jisoo caught a quick glance he threw at her sitting in the corner of the sofa), after a quiet conversation over food, during which they mostly talked about the wedding (Kim told about how Olivia cursed funny with her because of the dress, and Jennie, in turn, grumbled at the workers who constantly brought the wrong things), after Jennie loaded the dishes into the dishwasher, took out a bottle of beer for Jisoo from the refrigerator (she herself refused, explaining that the artist should have fresh head), after all this long day, during which elder Kim managed to die and be reborn, they both stood in this living room and looked at each other, and all that, unsaid, hovered between them like a ghost that no one sees, but everyone feels his presence.

-So what do we decide?- Jennie asked thoughtfully, crossing her arms over her chest and looking Jisoo up and down with a quick and tenacious professional look. Jisoo immediately remembered that she had left the mansion in jeans and a simple T-shirt, and her appearance somehow did not match the picture that, in her opinion, Jennie was going to paint.

-You're not going to paint me in a ball gown, or like all those countesses you have hanging in the hall, are you? Because I definitely don't have a dress and diamonds.

-We would have found you a dress and diamonds if we needed it.- Jennie chuckled, glancing at Jisoo's bare feet.- But they won't be needed, because I'm going to paint you sitting on the windowsill barefoot, in jeans and a T-shirt. The way you are when no one sees you.

Jisoo's breath caught in her throat.

-Maybe I'd better wear a dress after all.

Jennie shook her head. Her eyes were sad, but there was a slight smile on her lips.

-Listen, I already see this portrait in my head and I'm telling you — it should be as natural as possible. I'm sorry, but when you put on a dress and heels, of course, you look very good, but it's obvious that these are not your clothes.

-It was a shame now.- Jisoo said, chuckling. Jennie shook her head.

-I'm just stating a fact. As an artist. The image in which I see you suits you. And if I paint you in a chic expensive dress and high heels, then nothing will distinguish you from these stupid pompous dolls that I meet so often here at Kim House.

-Okay.- Jisoo said with a sigh, resigned that Jennie sees her as the suburban girl she was as a child.- So what should I do? Sit on the windowsill?

Jennie nodded at the small window that looked out not onto the lawn, but into the garden, completely planted with peony bushes. There were several soft sofa cushions on the windowsill, wide enough to sit comfortably on it.

-Yes, please, sit down. I'm going to take an album.

Jisoo sat on the window and looked at the towering, already darkening bulk of the Kim House behind the trees. Now, in the rapidly approaching twilight, the house looked ominous and empty, and Jisoo shuddered at the thought of how she would walk through the dark garden alone, then sneak into her room and stay there alone with her thoughts. It's strange, but yesterday, when she had dinner with Jennie, she didn't care at all, and she returned home completely happy. What has changed?

A few minutes later, Jennie returned with a large album in a black cover and a special pencil case, put it all on the sofa and turned to Jisoo.

The eldest Kim noticed that she had changed into jeans and her favorite gray T—shirt - probably she was afraid to stain her shirt with a pencil or something. Or she just wanted to torment Jisoo with her bare shoulders, and the view of the pit at the throat, and the proud spread of the collarbones, which attracted the eye. Who knows...

A girl from high society [JENSOO]Where stories live. Discover now