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Josephine's POV:


Not sure where reality and my imagination seperated.
I was still in my cell. The same boring gray cement blocks and the bolted heavy door that kept me trapped. Across from me was tripping. Glitching almost. The room was different. I could see both sides. The close side showing me the cell's door while the long side showed me my own image against the wall set up in my bed. This is not normal. This is trickery. This was not right. I knew in the pit of my stomach something was spilling over from the other side. I was looking out at a ghost reflection of myself. It didn't feel like me. But, it was a copy. I was against the cell's door at the same time also in my bed. I was with red eyes that glared me down. I was scared... But, my reflection was angry. My hands trembled but the reflection was still.

Maybe I was going insane here. No longer able to precieve time. I must be going mad. I was loosing my fucking marbles. Gathering anything I could pick up on as to some hint that I wasn't already dead. That I wasn't dreaming. That I was wide awake.

Casimir had been gone for some time. The only one that had brought me some comfort. Was he dead? Did they kill him already? Was I next?

"Josephine," my reflection spoke out.
Like death's warning call he was bringing me forward from my misery and into a new siren's call. My attention locked onto my reflection. I was no longer stable as I couldn't explain what I heard nor saw. This wasn't unusual. This was not what I normally dreamed. This wasn't a dream.

That wasn't me. It was not my voice. It was deep like a male's voice. A voice I would relate to as one like my father's. But, this was not my father. "You've been betrayed... Josephine." That was right. I have been betrayed. My pack has betrayed me. Cut me out like a some useless tomato head. His voice was clear as it rung in my ears. "Your pack is a mess." Yes... it's scrambled. "You are unmated." I sure am lacking. "You are the heir of Rabidcrest pack and they've treated you like trash." They've done that since day one. But, now this is becoming personal. They're framing me for my father's death. Aren't they? They're just going to throw me away without blinking an eye. I should be the one in command. I should be the one calling the shots by now...

His voice picked up in a growl, "You must dicipline them! You will kill them all." Kill. Kill. Kill. "You will rise up." Rise up. "You are Josephine Cromwell." Cromwell. Cromwell. Cromwell. "You are the Alpha of this pack." Alpha. Alpha. Alpha. "Do not just sit there."

My airway tightened as I found myself unable to breath. I was now falling into a vast wasteland. With lack of breathable air. Here in the room... I'm still in the room. The room was getting cold like a dead man's touch. The mirroring imagine of the room was freezing over. Snow flakes forming on the clear image. The air began to crystalize. Oxygen becoming broken as the air was unbreathable. The crystals in the air broke apart as the imagery of myself was shattering into a million pieces.

Born from it was a black wolf much like my father. He didn't bring comfort. I felt in danger as I tensed up. I felt frozen in fear. Like a deer caught in headlights.

His fangs elongated as he bared his teeth towards me. He walked in a stern stride. He was breaking through. Like he was coming from the otherside. The devide between life and death was in this room. This was a dead wolf. A ghost haunting me. A bad spirit. Blood oozed out of the four corners of the walls. Pooling up and washing away the shards of glass on the floor. He walked through the blood until he was at my feet. The light dangling from the ceiling swung and flickered rapidly. I could see shadows raising on the walls.

Rogue. This is a dead rogue. There was no hint of the moon goddess' blessing radiating from this beast. He was a foul beast. A true night terror sneaking his way into my thoughts. He was churning the thoughts in my mind. Stiring the beast in my heart. This is my ancestor. This has to be Marcus.

A Cromwell RogueWhere stories live. Discover now