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Continuing Jossie's POV:

     "Matthew head back towards the house." I felt like my heart was going to burst from my chest. I was scared of everyone but mostly afraid of myself. I tried not to let it show on the surface. My hands couldn't stop shaking from the weight of the gun. My knees barely held me upright. My back was throbbing in pain and I smelt the iron scent of blood. This was not me. At least... Not who I wanted to be. They're making me do this.

     With Uncle Matthew leading the way, we made our way back to my family home. As far as I could tell nobody dared to follow us. I kept checking over my shoulder the whole time.
     I expected them to come. Maybe an arrow would hit me in my shoulder blade... I would bleed out and scream in agony. Beg for mercy. Matthew would overpower me and take the gun away. Maybe shoot me between my eyes.

I didn't kill my father.

     I could die at any moment being here. The longer I'm here in the pack the less likely I will make it out alive. I have to leave within the next hour. The pack wants vengence and I'm an easy target. They aren't thinking rationally. How could I kill my own father? How could a wolf-less daughter kill her father? I'm lower then an omega in some sense... I'm irregular. Maybe a late bloomer? It doesn't make me a killer.

I didn't kill my father.
I don't have any memory of it.
I found him this morning in the kitchen.

     It's normal. N-No not normal... but normal in this case. Someone waking up to their family member murdered in their kitchen. It happens. It happened to me. The pack is refusing to give me a fair trial and want to kill me. Even my mother? She couldn't care less. I have to be what they want me to be. I have to run away from the pack. I'm now a rogue. A ROGUE! How embarassing! I'm not even captibale of shifting into a wolf! And, now I dare call myself a rogue? More like an ordinary human.

     There are certain roles a pack must maintain. The Alpha, Alpha Female A.K.A Luna, Beta, Gamma, The Rest Of The Pack, and the Omegas. And I'm under the omega, thanks to being wolf-less. Rogues are pack-less wolves. The Alpha is typically male. He's the leader of the pack. He makes the final deciscion. It use to be my father. The Alpha Female is usually under the alpha as a mated pair but at the same level of authority in the pack. Typically her main job is to secure an heir... and keep the Alpha happy. That's my mother. Now with my father gone, she will have authorty until a new heir steps forward. I'm not the only child. I might have been first born... but I'm disqualified for running thanks to my lack there for of a wolf. It will fall to my twin sister. Uncle Matthew is the pack's second in charge... The Beta. His children could also be in line for future beta if they play their cards right. Gamma's are typically distant relatives of the alpha families. They hold political order when it comes to choosing an Alpha. They'll make they final say on who wins the Alpha tital. Now that father is dead.

     My family home appeared within my view as my dark thoughts came to a close. My nerves were on edge now. I felt paranoid. I had no plan. I was making it up as I go. Uncle Matthew wasn't making any sense at this point. Why was he going with it? Was it really because the gun I poined at him had so much control over him?

"What are you going to do here?" Matthew asked.
His voice startled me. I didn't think he would be the one to ask questions.

"I didn't kill my dad," I told him firmly. I wanted him to believe me. "I'm here to get some money and the keys and then I'm leaving."

"Where will you go?"
"If I tell you... what would be the point in leaving?"
"You don't know."

"Of course not!" I screamed.
"I didn't plan any of this. I'm making this up as I go along. Who would plan their runaway?"

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