Chapter 1

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Cross posted on AO3 and (both accounts: MillenniumFox). First time posting on Wattpad, please be kind!

Summary: Ash hasn't seen or spoken to Goh in almost eight years, and they didn't end their friendship on the best of terms. Then, when Ash is invited to Misty and Gary's wedding, they meet again. The rift between them is still as wide as ever, and he's pretty sure Goh actually hates him, yet they just can't seem to avoid one another... SatoGou, Journeyshipping, FirstFriendShipping

I stand alone in the garden by the french doors of my mother's house, eyes closed, head tilted up to the morning sun. It's a warm day, the kind that demands you be out in it. Inside, Mom pushes eggs around in a pan, Mr. Mime by her side. Every time I come home to visit, she insists on making me breakfast, lunch and dinner, despite my age.

This is the first time I've been home in a while. I've tried to keep myself busy. After a certain point it started to feel like there wasn't much left I could accomplish. I've pretty much proven myself to be the greatest Pokémon trainer out there in my battle with Leon, and then continued to prove it when I relentlessly beat everyone that challenged that title. It's been eight years since then, and still hardly anyone has been a challenge. Occasionally I'll be challenged by someone that gives me an exhilarating battle- like Alain, just a year ago. Occasionally, I think maybe I'll lose. It's getting to the point where I find myself wishing that I would, just a little.

Two years ago, when I was eighteen, someone made a passing comment about me becoming a Pokémon Professor, and the thought stuck with me. It followed me everywhere I went for months, playing on my mind, hovering at the back of my brain, until I mentioned the idea to mom while visiting. I was turning nineteen soon, and aside from battling, hadn't done too much with myself. She was still proud, of course, and so was I, I guess. She thought I was a celebrity, and I suppose I am, even if I hate the word, and don't feel like one at all. I've been on television a lot- even though I hate that, too. People are always trying to interview me, and I receive countless modelling offers every month, offering ridiculous sums of money to appear in advertisements or photo shoots. I hate it all, and yet I do it, because it provides for her, and that's all I really want to do for now.

Still, I've never seen myself like that. I've never wanted this life, and everything that comes with it, for myself. I wanted to be the greatest battler, and I've proved that I am, but that doesn't make me a master. I definitely don't feel like a celebrity. Even when people approach me in the street, asking for photos or autographs, I'm just... Well, me. Deciding I want to know everything I can possibly know, and have an active role in new discoveries, I enrolled in Castelia City University. I've been there almost two years now.

A knock on the glass of the door rattles me from my daydream. Mom waves, a heartwarming smile on her face. I stick my hands in my pockets and pull open the door, stepping inside and taking a seat at the table, where she's already placed breakfast for me. Pikachu's just a few feet away, eating breakfast from the bowl laid out for him by Mr. Mime, who stands watching, arms crossed and smiling wide like a happy parent.

"Thanks, mom," I say, smiling. She sits opposite me, brushing nonexistent dust from her skirt and folding her hands together like she has no intention of eating. I dig the fork into my eggs and push them around a bit, distracted.

"Are you excited?" She asks eventually, grinning. I grimace as I chew on the eggs and toast, hoping that will accurately express how I'm feeling. She frowns, disappointed. "It's a big day for Misty! I would have thought you'd at least try to be enthusiastic."

I want to lie and say I am enthusiastic, but I can't force the lie out. I just don't have the energy for it. Ever since the invitation to Misty's wedding arrived in the post, I've dreaded the day. Not because I don't care for Misty, or Gary. I just don't like weddings. I've only been to a couple, and they've never been my thing. I'd much rather spend my time training.

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