Attention ⚠️ folks

Start from the beginning

“ And what about you ? don’t you deserve love ? the kind of  love which i would never be able to return to you “ another pair of tears left from his eyes as he wailed on his wretched life.

Ryan took her hands off from his face and held close to his chest “ I know, I'm cruel. Very pathetic and crushed person.  If I'm suffering then it’s my fate,and you…. “ Before he could complete, she spoke. “ You're not pathetic, you’re precious , You’re my husband. The man I love and  “ she tried to fill him with positivity and hope that he lost long back.

“ Please leave Jenny….. I can’t move on from my past Jenny and that’s not your fault. Why are you willing to suffer then ? it’s me who’s a victim of sexul abuses not you…. i can’t even let you touch me the way you want and you’re saying that i deserve love ? “ Ryan remarked on his phobia of being touched intimately. He’s a genophobia and that sounded more like a curse to him because even after months of their marriage he couldn’t give her the basic happiness that any woman would want to experience from her partner- according to him.

“ why would you endure the hell that i’m living for the past many years……just leave..please“ these words hardly left his mouth, as a part of him still wants her but the other part knows what will happen if she stays - he will kill her, slowly day by day like a slow poison. He will kill her too, like he killed his father’s best friend years ago. 

“ I won’t, “ she said stubbornly, he might have loved her enough to let her go, but she loves him enough to stay willingly even in the hardest phase of his life.

Getting a hold of his hands Jenny tried to change his mind but he jerked her hands off causing her to cry. Jenny knows his childhood traumas triggered him in some way that now he’s not able to think sanely. And only she could calm his racing nerves but how could she calm him when he is not letting her to ? how can she stand with him when he’s not allowing her to ? How can she aid him when all he does is push her away ?

Why doesn't he understand ? I love him, damn I can't leave him like this. He needs me, yet he’s not ready to accept that. The way he is pushing me away is breaking my confidence of bringing him back to our life, the life which we were creating until he fell into the darkness that slowly consumed him! Jenny’s chain of thoughts broke by the sudden thunder sound. 

Within seconds the dark clouds formed covering the earth in shade of darkness, and the sound of pitter patter rain enchod visually representing their affliction.

“ Please leave me, on my own. '' He put all his strength to utter those words harshly at her. The more she adamantly stood with him, the more he felt guilty for pushing her away.

Jenny sniffed painfully and said “ I can't leave you Ryan, stop asking me to leave when I've every damn right to stay. I know it’s hard for you but I'm here right ? with you…..we will face your fear together….Ryan i …can’t leave you…. “

He didn’t let her speak as he lashed out “ what if that’s all I need ? a life without you, a day without you and a breath without you in it. Please leave, I don’t need you. '' his eyes scared her.

His words pierced her heart making her feel the sharp pain going down from heart to stomach as she felt her stomach churning hearing what he said.

She was left without words to protest, and he took that as an opportunity to put on his act.

“ what will you get staying with a coward  like me ? I am a coward who couldn’t even stand for myself …I'm a failure Jenny…. I’m not worthy of your love… I beg you to go away from me, because everytime i see you, you make me remember my helplessness, my weakness and my failures as a….. as a human. You make me feel ashamed of myself Jenny… “

My Heart Stealer(Completed)✔️Where stories live. Discover now