"O- oh..."

"Do you want something else? The meeting gonna be boring as fuck and then the after party gonna be probably the same, you need lots of food to bear with that,"

"No, I'm good. But can you get me more milkshakes, please?"

"Sure, wa-"

"Lemme, lemme. I wanna feed Gulfie now," Ciel interrupt before he hopped off of Mew's lap and ran to the other side of the table. He carefully filled my glass with the brown liquid before he passed it to me.

"Thank you,"

"You're welcome," He grinned happily before running away to God knows where.

"Is he gonna be the only kid around?" I asked Mew in wonder.

"My uncles and aunts bring their kids, he got his cousins. Why do you ask?"

"Just thought it would be hellish for him to be alone during meetings and stuff like that. But anyway, do I have to be here as well?"

"If you want to, or you could go with the kids and stay in the backyard, whichever you want."

"What's this meeting gonna be about?"

"Just some stuff to survive in this world. You know, like our business, connection with the human race and everything like that,"

"Hm... can I just lay in our bedroom? I'm still a bit drained from everything, not to mention that the jet lag also gives me another headache."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was fine last night, it just started." I quickly said, not wanting him to throw another fuss about this shit.

"I could have brought this all upstairs and you could just lay there instead of going down here."

"Mewwie, I'm fine, it wasn't that bad anyway."

"Is it because of me? Did I-"

"Mew, you're fine. It's just the jet lag, okay? It's nothing to worry about,"


"No, buts. Just focus on your meeting, okay? I'm fine, you got nothing to worry about,"

"Promise me that you'll shout out for me if something happens?"

"Yeah, I promise."

"Okay, lemme carry you upstairs."

"No, wait, Me-" I shrieked loudly when he suddenly scooped me up in his arms, causing the whole table to look at us.

"Is he okay?" Mama asked worriedly.

"Just the jet lag catching up, I'm bringing him upstairs and then we'll start the meeting,"

"Rest well, dear."

"Thank you, Ma"

Mew carried me back up to our room and I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck, inhaling the natural scent of him that calmed my body down instantly. I don't know what's it, but since we had sex two weeks ago, I've been so clingy to him. It's like I don't want to be separate from him.

My mind also has been extremely weird lately. Like it was so fucking active that it keeps overthinking stuff that is honestly not even important but it'll make me get the nausea feeling in my stomach. If not that, then my head would pound and thump like it wants to explode.

But the thing is, when I'm close to Mew, those shits didn't happen.

I've been meaning to tell Mew this but honestly, I don't know how to bring this up.

"Babe, you have to let go of me," His soft voice whispered gently. I didn't even realise I was still latching onto him.

"Can you stay a bit until I fall asleep, please?"

"Yeah, of course,"

He laid down beside me and softly carded my hair. I hummed at the feeling, nuzzling closer if that was still possible. His scent, his touches, his presence, that's all I need to make this crazy feeling away. I felt calm and composed when I have him by my side.

"You've been acting differently lately, are you sure you're okay?"

"Hm, hm..." I just hummed tiredly, too entrenched in his scent.

"Love, you promised me that you'll tell me if something's wrong,"

"Hm..." He sighed at my response but stayed silent afterwards. I eventually fall asleep minutes later, hands fisting his shirt so he couldn't go.

Quick question, how do you tell someone that there's something wrong with you but you have no idea what the fuck it was?

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