- Twenty Nine -

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"Cee!!!" Mew yelled back just as excited. The small boy jumped into Mew's open arms, hugging him tightly as he nuzzled his face into the crook of Mew's neck.

"Ciel miss daddy, how's daddy doing?"

"I'm doing good, how are you doing, lil champ?"

"I'm good because daddy is, but I'm awesome now that you're here."

"Awe, that's very sweet of you, champ," Mew said, smiling so wide that I thought his face gonna break. They booped each other's nose, sharing a cute eskimo kisses that somehow boil my blood. Okay, for real now, who's this kid and why on earth is he calling Mew 'daddy'?

"Champ, meet Gulf,"

"Is he gonna be my other daddy?"

"Maybe, but we don't know yet," Mew said with a knowing smirk on his face. I just raised my eyebrows at him, clearly confused as fuck.

"I'm Cee-el. C-I-E-L, Ciel. I'm daddy's baby, his favourite champ."

"... I uh, I'm Gulf, it's... nice to see you," I nervously said, obviously taken back by his sudden outburst.

"Do you love daddy?"

"Uh? Yeah, I do, why?" What's with the question and interrogating eyes?

"Well then, I love you," The lil boy suddenly smiles widely and I can't help but crack one as well.

"I uh... yeah, thanks?" dear whoever it is, please help. I'm so awkward, I wanna die.

"Cee, where's the other?" Mew chirped in while bouncing the kid on his hips.

"In that green coffee shop, uh... Starbucks?"

"And you're alone out here?"

"I can't wait to see you and I tricked uncle Thorn and Tharn and run and hide and now I meet you,"

"Geez, champ, you're gonna make them worry to death,"

"But we're immortal?"

"I'll explain that to you later, now let's go back to them, okay?"


"C'mon, Gulf." He casually said. I gave him the glare and 'look' which made him pale instantly.

Now you knew, dumbass!

Mew pushed the trolley with Ciel and our luggage on it, while I strolled behind him quietly. He reached one hand out to pull me to his side, giving my temple a slight kiss before he smiled reassuringly,

"You can murder me later but now let's meet my parents. I swear I have my explanation for this,"

"You better be," I grumbled out grumpily. I felt so left out and clueless. He's not secretly having a wife or perhaps husband, right? Because that'd be so bloody weird if he does.

Ciel jumped down from the trolley once the Starbucks logo showed up and he ran excitedly into a group of people. Well...

"Mew, my son!"

"Hey, Pa,"

"Hi, darling,"

"Hi, Ma,"

"Is this the Gulf you can't stop talking about?" The elegant lady gushed. I blushed at her words and subconsciously hid behind Mew.

"Awe, he's so shy and small, it's cute."

"Gulf, these are mama and papa. And those two who keep glaring at Ciel are my brothers. Parents, yes, this is the Gulf I can't stop talking about,"

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