"Okay, none that I should worry about right?"


"Anything else?"

"Tul might be there as well since his dad is one of the colleagues, so you got a friend if I was somehow too caught up with the business but I doubt that gonna happen because most of the time my attention is usually drawn to you, so..." I blushed at his words but still nodded my head nevertheless.

"What am I supposed to tell my mum? And the school too,"

"The school's ruled by my family, you got nothing to worry about there. And about your mum, just tell her the truth, just exclude the whole vampire thingy and said something about a holiday or some shit perhaps." He shrugged again but his eyes still showed concern.

"Alright, I guess I'm set for now. When's the flight?"

"Two days from now sounds cool, so like Saturday?"

"It's... okay I guess, I got time to tell mum today which you should come to and explain as well so she won't flip shit and will agree much faster. And I got tomorrow to pack the stuff,"

"Okay, I'm cool with that."

"Now, I can't study anymore, thanks to you," I said, huffing out in total annoyance.

"What? What did I do wrong?"

"You can't just drop a bomb and expect me to concentrate on this goddamn textbook, Mew" I sighed heavily making him grin dumbly. Asshole!

"Let's head to lunch then, it's almost the time anyway," He said, grinning happily.

Oh, before I forgot, Mew switched his classes with mine. He basically swaps his place with someone to fit in, in every single one of my classes. Insane, right? I know.

"Can we eat outside?"

"Sure, what do you have in mind?"

"Um... can we just drive around and see if something perks my interest?" I pulled my best puppy eyes and he groaned but nodded nevertheless.

"Fine," I grinned up at him, before planting a chaste kiss on his cute lips, mumbling a small 'thank you' before pulling away.

I packed my stuff into my backpack, before taking Mew's extended hand and walking to the parking lot. He's back with his baby blue, saying that he loves him too much to be bored of him. He's weird, but I love him nevertheless.

Mew opened the door for me once we were in front of his car and I gratefully slid in and buckled up. He did the same seconds later before starting the engine.

"Err... Gulf?"


"I'm thinking about dinner in Pachamama tonight with your mum, what do you say?"

"Are you trying to buy my mum's permission?"

"No, it's not thattt, I just thought it would be nice to have dinner together before you leave her for a week or maybe two," Mew whined out cutely, an adorable pout formed on his face. I giggled at how childish he looked, quickly kissing that cute pout away before giggling again.

"I was just messing with you. But sure, I think she would love that."

"Well, I guess you should tell her that now, shot her a quick text."


"And I'm picking her up,"

"What? We can't fit her in, in this car,"

"Hence why you're coming with me to switch cars, Gulfie,"

"You don't have a car that has four seats?"

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