No Country For Old Dads...

Start from the beginning

"Then we find Ray."

"Meditation?" Wally popped up from behind us. "I've actually been doing a lot of that, and I think I could help you."

"Perfect make it happen.

"What about me, Cap?" I asked her excitedly. I really was on edge, no matter how I appeared

"Maria, stay with me. Make sure I don't kill someone."

"Ma'am yes ma'am."


Sara was throwing stars for an hour and a half straight, not letting me get a single throw in, let alone stop at all.

Ava sighed heavily as she stepped through the portal, getting Sara to stop for the moment. "So, Ray's nowhere to be found, and things are getting worse at the bureau. Bennett is so stubborn. He's refusing any meetings with Rip that don't involve shackles." Sara went up to the board and picked her throwing star out of Damien Darhk's photo."

"She's been mutilating that photo for 90 minutes." Both blondes looked at me awkwardly. "I'm gonna go see if my wife is back from her totem trip and let you two have your honeymoon moment." I hopped down from the desk I was sitting on and left the parlor quickly.


The timequake came unexpectedly and hit the ship hard. "What was that?" Wally asked.

"It's a timequake. Gideon, what's the source?" Sara asked the AI.

"An aberration has occurred in 1962. It appears that someone has blasted a hole in the Berlin Wall."

"Ray." I muttered.

"Which appears to be the straw that broke the camel's back." Rip informed us, staring out of the waverider window in awe. The once green timestream was filled with black rips and tears.

"I'm guessing that's bad." Wally pointed at the tears.

"Hmm, uh yeah. Those are tears in the fabric of time itself." Rip told the uninformed speedster.

"Gideon, plot a course for east Berlin, 1962." Sara turned to Wally. "All right, kid, you're up. Let's see how fast you really are."


He was clearly fast enough. A few minutes later, the speedster reappeared after a streak of yellow lightning, Ray next to him.

"Look who I bumped into."

"Hey!" Ray greeted us.

"Ray, thank god your back."

"Yeah, dishes need cleaning." Mick grunted, more focused on his beer than on Ray's return.

"Ha, and I can't wait to get them done." He turned his attention to Rip. "Rip, nice to see-wait, is it nice to see Rip?"


"Yeah." Sara told him hesitantly.

He cleared his throat. "Okay. I hope your abduction afforded you some insights into our opponents' designs."

"Yes, they needed me to reignite the fire totem, using this." He held up a doll in his hands, getting confused looks from all of us.

"Another doll. How wonderful." Mick muttered sarcastically before taking a sip of his beer.

"Well, no actually it's-" He popped the head of the doll off and tossed it to me.

"How great, I can add this to my doll head collection." I muttered sarcastically, earning a laugh from Nate.

"The secret to cold fusion." He pulled out a piece of paper from the doll's body. "Which is pretty epic. Now, all we're missing is the fire totem."

"Oh, you mean this?" Wally held up a small bag.

"Yeah, how'd you get this?" Ray asked as Wally tossed him the bag.

"Well, I saw it in Damien Darhk's pocket, and I thought, 'Yo, that would make a sick 'souvenir.''"

"Well great. I can get working on putting it back together right now. Then it will be three against two." He turned around to Amaya who had just appeared with Zari. "And with yours, four against one."

"Good to see you."

"Good to see you."

"We found out that my totem has been corrupted when we were on our vision quest." Amaya told us, retreating to my side.

"But, we did find out why the Darhks are so psyched about anachronisms. The more the timeline's corrupted, the weaker the prison holding Mallus becomes." Zari added.

"If they continue destroying history the demon will be freed. You should inform the time bureau." He turned to Ava and Sara.

"Uh, Gideon, patch us through to Director Bennett." Ava told Gideon while walking with Sara, Rip, and I to the parlor.

"Make it fast Agent Sharpe, because I have to stop Hamilton from seeing Hamilton the musical."

"How's it that everyone got tickets to that but me?" Ava rhetorically asked Rip and Sara before promptly moving on. "Director Bennett, we have some developments in the Mallus investigation we need you to be aware of."

"Such as the legends arresting of Director Hunter?"

"We haven't exactly arrested him yet."

"Look, we've got bigger problems right now than punishing Rip for what happened to those agents." Sara interjected.

"I doubt those deceased agents would agree with you Miss Lance. Now, you place Hunter in handcuffs this instant, or you're all going to-" He never got to finish that sentence. Grodd tackled him to the ground and killed him before turning off the transmitter.

"Oh my god." Ava muttered, still looking at the disconnected video feed.

"It's Grodd actually." Rip corrected.

"I'm so sorry. He was a good man. I think." He turned to Rip who turned to Ava.

"Yes, most unfortunate. I believe that this tragedy makes you the highest ranking officer at the bureau." Ava still seemed to be in shock."May I return to work, Director Sharpe?"

"Um, yes."

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