Invasion! Part 2...

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"So, how was your run?" My fiance's voice asked from the shower.

"You know how my run was, I told you in the shower." I smiled. I grabbed a towel and handed it to her. "Here."

"How could I forget?" My fiance, Sara Lance, came out of the shower grinning.
"Sara Lance..." Before I could finish my sentence, she pulled me in for a soft, sweet, kiss. "Will you marry me?"

She held up her hand where a ring was on her finger. "I think I already answered that question."

"Right." She kissed me again before pulling away quickly.

"Okay, time to get ready. We have to leave soon."

When I arrived outside the Queen Mansion, Sara and Laurel were already hugging.

"Oh my god! Maria!" Laurel ran up to me and hugged me. "You look incredible."

"Oh, thank you, Laurel, so do you." I held up her hand where her engagement ring was. "This is beautiful. Oliver has incredible taste."

"Oh, so do you!" She walked over to her sister and looked at her engagement ring. "Gorgeous."

"So is this." Sara held Laurel's pennant in her hand.

"Ollie got it for me." Her sister told her.

"Is it a bird?" I asked her.

"It's a canary." Something inside me glitched. I could tell it did in Sara as well. She took a step back and looked at her sister, clearly startled.
"Babe, you okay?" I asked her.

"Sara." She hugged Laurel again.

"It's just that I missed you." Something felt off, though. I couldn't name it, but something felt off.


"He's not coming." Laurel said as Sara and I walked into the rehearsal dinner.

"Don't worry, he'll be here." Sara tried to assure her sister.

"I don't know." She denied.

"You know Oliver's never been on time for anything in his entire life." I pointed out. Out of the three years I was with Sara and the countless dinner parties we had, Oliver had been on time for exactly zero of them.

"You didn't see him earlier. He had this look on his face like- like he was backing out." Laurel continued, the smile slowly started to fade from her face.

"No way. He loves you." Sara continued to comfort her sister.

"He just- he looked like everything that he knew was wrong." She insisted.

"I'm pretty sure that every guy has that look the night before his wedding." I said, handing her and Sara a glass of champagne before grabbing one for myself.

"You know, there was a time before you two met that I thought Sara and Ollie would hook up." Laurel admitted.

"You know I prefer girls." Sara reminded her before kissing me on the cheek.

Sara and I wandered off for a minute, but were quickly dragged back by Laurel.

"This is- this is my sister Sara and her fiance, Maria." The glitch again- once I saw him. I had these memories of him and it seemed like Sara and him had as well.

"Have we met before?" He asked us.

"No. I think we'd remember." Sara assured him.

"You both just seem...very familiar."
"Excuse us." Laurel dragged us away from the tech millionaire. "Are you sure you prefer girls?" She muttered to her sister.

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