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"Hey, what are you doing?" Amaya asked me and Nate as we continued to work. The historian was looking for assistance on a project and I was more than willing to help, seeing as I had nothing to do at all.

"A little side project I've been working on with Maria, Ray, and the professor."

"Temporal aberrations cause these things called timequakes. So, Nate and I started thinking, if there was a way of locating their epicenters, maybe the team will be able to fix the aberrations before they happen." I continued to explain.

"Like a time seismograph." She smiled at me.

"That's an awesome name, and I'm totally gonna steal that." Nate interrupted.

"If the JSA could even get a glimpse at all of this, they would..." Her voice trailed off.

"They would what?" I asked her, wanting to know the end of her sentence.

She hesitated a minute before answering. "Nevermind." She walked out, so I followed after her.

"Hey, wait. We've barely had a conversation since you came on board. Besides you filling me in on the mission the other day. Talk to me. What's up?"

"Every member of the JSA- they were great people."

"That's all you can say about them?" I chuckled. "Is it because your missions were classified, or is it because you didn't really know them well as people?"

"It's because the JSA didn't encourage their members to fraternize." She snapped. "Something you and your team should consider." She walked away angrily, but Nate quickly called her back, peeking his head out of the library.

"Hey, we've got something with the time seismograph."

"Meet you on the bridge." Amaya said dismissively, walking away. I watched her in awe.

"Somebody's got a little crush." Nate observed.

"" I said begrudgingly. "Just like you. You like Amaya too."

"I do." He admitted. "And I'm pretty sure she'll choose me."

"What does that mean?"

"Look, all I'm saying is Amaya deserves the best, and I don't think that that's you."

"And I don't think that's you." I countered.

"May the best man..." I coughed. "Or woman win." We shook hands and made our way to the bridge, ready to tell the team of our discovery.


"Where's it coming from?" Sara asked us.

"Washington D.C., 1987. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue."

"So?" Mick asked cluelessly.

"Dude, that's the White House." Jax scolded him.

"So what?"

"December 7th was the day before Reagan and Gorbachev signed the INF treaty, reducing both countries' nuclear arsenals and paving a way for the end of the Cold War." My father informed the group.

"How do you know all of that?" He was questioned by Ray.

"Because I was at the Capital for that very summit. The Reagan Administration would call upon the top nuclear physicists to act as technical advisors."

"You think someone might have traveled back in time to stop the treaty from being signed?" I theorized.

"That, or worse. Think about it, Regan and Gorbachev under the same roof at one of the most volatile points in history?"

The Animal Inside-Amaya JiweWhere stories live. Discover now