The Justice Society Of America...

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A few hours later, all of us woke up in a cell. The JSA had literally kicked our asses and handed them to us. Without Rip, we were a mess- not a team at all.
"You just had to mention time travel, didn't you?" Mick asked Ray, annoyed.

"Yeah, well, at least I didn't throw the first punch." Ray defended himself.

"I'm perfectly capable of defending myself, Raymond." My dad tried to defend himself.
"Yeah, no you can't, Dad." I sided with Ray.

"I'm pretty sure you got knocked out by a teenager in a star spangled leotard." Sara added, causing Nate to speak up.

"Her name's Stargirl."
"Did anybody catch her regular person name?" Jax chimed in.

"I'm surprised you didn't ask for her number." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, so it's my fault we got our asses handed to us?"

"Look, they're just better coordinated than us." Ray tried to convince everyone.

"You guys just listen to me for two se-" Mick cut Nate off.

"Pretty, shut up. If I recall, you were late coming to the party." The cell started to break out into arguments and I slouched my back against the wall and slid down, not wanting any part in it.


"I don't understand why they were even tracking us in the first place." My father commented.

"Because they're the Justice Society Of America, the single greatest secret force this country has ever known." Nate answered.

"If it's so secret, how do you know about them?" Sara asked the historian.

"Because his Nazi handlers have briefed him, no doubt." The hot woman in the black and gold entered as did the guy who knocked Nate out earlier.

"Look, I'm not a Nazi, I'm a historian."
"Here we go with the time travel nonsense again." The woman looked at him, rolling her eyes.

"070233." Nate said out of desperation.

"What?" The man asked him, shocked.

"Those are the numbers on your dog tags. They're not disclosed on any documents, military or otherwise."

He started to approach the cell. "How do you know that?"

Nate fished underneath his suit, pulling out a set of dog tags. "You gave these to your wife after the birth of your son in 1955. The dent in the front was from an assassin's bullet when you saved President Roosevelt in 1939. Your son passed them down to his son, me."


Nate's speech had prompted Commander Steel to let us out and bring us to the conference where the rest of the JSA was waiting. One of them being Rex Tyler.

"Mr. Tyler." Sara greeted him.

"See? Rex Tyler. Told you we know the guy." Ray said in a matter of fact sort of tone.

"I don't know you." Rex responded. "Any of you." He looked at my father. "Tell me what the heck is going on here."

"Well, we tried explaining-" Sara was cut off by Rex.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, I was addressing the team leader." Sara was about to pounce on him, but I held her back.

"Oh, well, simply put, we've come here as time travelers to identify aberrations in history and correct them." My dad explained.
"We're superheroes, like you guys." Ray added, a large smile on his face.

Stargirl laughed. "You think you're just like us? What are your qualifications?"

"Well, I used my personal fortune to create an advanced exo-skeleton, which is powered by dwarf star alloy."

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