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I walked into Amaya's room just as she was grabbing the ruby slippers I gave her for Christmas.

"Hey, Gideon said we're going back to 1942."

"The mission's over. The Legion's put back in their proper places in the timeline, it's my turn." She responded solemnly. I could see in her eyes that she wanted to stay, but that she didn't have the courage to. Not without a reason to stay, at least.

"Okay, um- well, if you don't mind, I'd like to get off at that stop with you." I had something in mind. I wasn't as idiotic as I seemed in that moment.


"Look, I lost you once already, even though it was a different me and a different you. And I don't ever wanna do that again. Or at all."

"I don't know what to say." She looked at me, almost cheekily.

"Say, 'Maria, come with me to 1942.'"

"I can't say that, Maria. Because I don't want to go back to 1942. I know that I'm supposed to. I know that I have a destiny and that we shouldn't damage time any more than we already have, but I have to believe that time is stronger than that. And that if I have a destiny, it'll wait for me." We both smiled widely as our lips attached.

"Mick, you wanna do the honors?" Sara asked the arsonist. "Plot a course? You earned it."

"Gideon, set a course for Aruba."

"Roger that, Mr. Rory. Setting a course for Aruba, the year 2017." Just as the ship was about to jump, there was rumbling. Another timequake?

"What was that?" Amaya asked us.

"This is what happens when you put Mr. Rory in charge of the navigation." My father said, only half jokingly.

Another rumble. "In fact, it was another time storm. It seems the disruption you created in 1916 was just the start." The ship blasted out of the temporal zone and landed somewhere unknown to us.

"We've been ejected out of the temporal zone." Ray yelled, stating the obvious.

"No shit Ray!" I yelled back at him.

"Get ready for a hard landing!" Sara yelled behind her, trying to prepare us for what was about to happen.

"Oh, come on! Can we please go five minutes without crashing the waverider?" Jax complained just as the waverider hit the ground.

"Is everyone okay?" Sara asked as everyone tried to regain their composure.

"This ain't Aruba." Mick observed.

"No, this is Los Angeles, 2017."

"Oh, boy." Nothing Sara could think to say could ever prepare us for what was waiting outside the waverider. Dinosaurs. In 2017 Los Angeles.

"Guys, I think we broke time."


The entire team walked out of the waverider, trying to grasp what had happened. It wasn't just dinosaurs. There were monuments like Big Ben laying in the ground.

"I guess this means we're not going to Aruba." Mick muttered, making me hit him in the back of the head.

"You said you broke time-" Sara cut my father off.

"No, I said we broke time."

"Yeah, but it was your idea." Jax agreed, siding with my father.

"No, her idea was to save reality and save Amaya." I clarified.

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