"Mew wasn't it?" Mika asked with a thin smile on his face.

"I- I just... It feels so wrong to use you like this, it's like I'm using you to forget him, I don't want to take advantage of your feelings. I don't think I'm ready to end it all, I- I think... I still love him, and it's not fair to you if I keep going on dates and unconsciously raise your hopes up when my heart still thinking about someone else,"

"Gulf, I-"

"I truly do want to like you, to return your feeling and everything, b- but... I can't. I can't lie to myself, not again, not anymore. I need to face it one way or another. I can't keep running away. You were so nice to me and I truly wish I would fall for you instead, but I can't choose who I fall to, and for that, I'm so sorry,"

"If that's how you truly feel, that's okay. I kind of expected that since I told you about my feelings. If you want to stop loving him, close your heart and forget him,"

"I can't. I'm sorry, Mika, but I can't. No matter how hard I try to fight it, I'll always still love that dumb asshole. I can't keep lying to myself. I'll just end up torturing my mind if I do that hence why I'm so sorry,"

"You don't have to apologise, I guess I got that,"

"M- Mika..."

"I probably will never be your boyfriend, but I'm glad I could fall for you. Never give up, yeah? Anyone that could have you would be so fucking lucky."


"Hey, hey, don't cry. A pretty one shouldn't cry, remember?" Mika chuckled softly though there are tears in his eyes.

"I- I'll try my best to make him love me too. Even if it'll take me years or even centuries, I'll try and will never give up"

"I don't think it'll take that long," Mika said with a small smile on his face. He was looking at something behind me, therefore I slowly turned my body around as I wiped my tears harshly.

There stood, the famous Mew Suppasit Jongcheveevat in all his glory. A small smile was on his face and his eyes locked with mine. He walked towards us and abruptly but gently pulled me to his chest.

"I'm taking him back,"

"... Yeah, take good care of him this time, alright?"

"Sure. Let's get going, Gulfie" He scooped me into his arms and I shriek in surprise, quickly holding onto him for dear life.

The same small smile remained still on his face, his brown eyes looking brighter than ever.

He walked us to his car and put me into the passenger seat, carefully buckling me up and then giving me a chaste kiss on my forehead before he jogged to his side. He remained calm for another few seconds as he started up his car and drove us into the busy street.

His hand reached out for mine, gently intertwining our fingers and placing them in between us. He flashed me a nervous smile before he tossed his gaze back to the road.

What the hell is happening?

"M- Mew?"

"Yeah?" His tone was so soft that I feel like talking to another person.

"W- why are you holding my hands?"

"Am I not allowed to?"

"Why are you here? Didn't you give no fuck if I disappear or something? You shouldn't have been here, why are you looking for me? Why-"

"Could you please shut your sweet mouth?" shut my... what?

"Just tell me why. You're always so confusing and I've told you, Mew, I'm not up for another game of yours, if you just want to toss me around and play with me, you better leave me alone I-"

He hit the brake abruptly, causing us to jolt forwards sharply. I opened my mouth to curse him but he pulled my neck forwards and slammed his lips onto mine. I remained still as shock and confusion filled my veins. The kiss was soft and gentle, far from our previous kiss, and I could tell he was trying to tell me something, but I don't understand!

He pulled away slowly, hands lingering on my cheeks as his thumb rubbed the soft skin slowly.

"Was it enough to answer your question?"

"No, it wasn't! I don't understand you, Mew. I can't fucking read your mind, and even if you kiss me, I still couldn't read your mind. I wanna know your answer! I wanna hear it to make sure I don't assume the wrong thing. I wanna hear it to make sure it was real! You can't just kiss me and expect me to understand after all the shit you've put me through. So, fucking say it or just leave me for good!"

His brown eyes were wide at my sudden outburst. I ground myself and stare back at him, not letting my nerve control me. It's now or never, I couldn't play the same game over and over again, I can't hurt myself like that again!

"Haven't I told you that you were mine?"

"It was when we were in a fake relationship!"

"Well, fake or not, I meant what I said,"

"Yeah, and?" I grumpily said, this shit starting to irritate me.

"... You're so cute when you're this adamant. But I need to tell you something first,"

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