Chapter : 10

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At the evening Karan was waiting for tripura at the downstairs it was quite late by then but she didn't arrived so Karan grabbed his phone to make a call to her

But before he could do it he saw tripura was coming to his way through the stairs she was wearing a pink colored satin body con dress and was looking absolutely mesmerizing with her almost no makeup look

T : Shall we go now ?

She asked but Karan was still so enchanted by her so tripura snapped her fingers and

Karan got startled

T : What are you looking at ? We are getting late let's go

Karan cleared his throat after restraining himself and walked towards the door and tripura followed her

Just after they came outside an unknown person came there and asked 

U : You must be mr khanna right

Karan and tripura both got a little confused and looked at each other

U : Dont get worry mr ray has sent me to escort both of you to the venue let's get inside the car please

T : You left such an impression on him nice

K : Thats my charisma

Tripura scoffed and went inside the car so Karan chuckled

After reached to the venue when they entered inside abbhay noticed tripura right away and scanned his eyes on her from top to bottom

A : Such a beauty

He murmured

Then he came to tripura

A : Why are you two came so late? Seeing I sent my driver to escort you both her

After heard that tripura looked at Karan  sarcastically

Karan looked away so tripura pursed her lips

T : I was so confused What to wear so

A : No matter what you wear that suits you Let's have the dinner together come with me

And he forwarded his hand towards her when Karan saw that he got a little tempted

K : Honey let's meet mr ray before going for the dinner come with me

Karan grabbed her arm and pulled her a little

Abbhay sensed that Karan got a little furiated

So he exhaled a short breath and said

A : Yes He is right let's go and meet with dad first as he will leave soon

T : He is leaving ? But why

A : Some official things that I barely know

After meeting mr ray Karan and tripura went to the dinning area

There abbhay introduced them with everyone and tripura congratulated the would be couple

While having there dinner abbhay was only noticing tripura he was trying to build a conversation but Karan was interrupting them every time

Tripura got so annoyed at his childish behavior so she gave a death glare at him and whispered into his ears

T : Are you nuts why are you behaving this way don't you wanna know the truth and solve the case asap please stop doing this nonsense right now

K : But

T : Not a word I don't want to listen to you get it

She said clenching her teeths

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