Chapter : 8

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Seeing tripura like that karan got completely mesmerized but suddenly seeing tripura waking up, he quickly removed his hand from her waist

Tripura slowly opened her eyes as she was startled to see him leaning towards her and pulled the blanket close to her and sat up.

T : What are you doing ?

Karan furrowed his eyebrows

K : What have I done I just woke up

T : I want to know what you were doing leaning on me

After heard that Karan laughed

K : We were married for so many years, have you forgotten? So stop uttering rubbish I am going to get fresh phir mein Bahar Jake thoda aaj ka schedule kya hain puchta hun

And tripura got a little annoyed hearing that so she snots and looked away from him

Arround 10am tripura went to downstairs to have breakfast at the buffet area

But after looking arround a while she couldn't find a place for her just then she heard a male voice nearby

Abbhay mr ray's elder son was just standing next to her and she immediately recognized him at her first glance

A : looking for a place to sit ?

Tripura smiled

T : Yeah it's pretty crowded and I think I should have come a little earlier

A : Yes they are all our guests my younger sister mishka is getting engaged tomorrow so sorry for this inconvenience

T : Thats fine I think I should be going upstairs then order something

When tripura was about to leave abbhay cleared his throat and said

A : Well would you mind if I ask you something?

Tripura turned arround with a curious look on her face

T : What ?

A : There are some private places for dine in i mean those are belongs to only vip guests but you can use them if you want

T : Oh that's not needed

A : But I insist

Then he tried to find something arround her and said

A : I guess you are alone here we can give each other a company for the breakfast

Tripura hold for a second

Tripura's POV : Why is he approaching but I think I should spend some time with him So I could get any clue about the abduction

A : Hey ? Are you lost in something

Tripura smiled and said

T : Its pretty boring to have the breakfast alone which I usually do this will be something different let's go

Abbhay chuckled and followed her

While they were having the breakfast Karan was in the same area and suddenly he noticed them together

K : Isn't that tipsy but with whom is she talking ? That face looks similar to me Oh yes that's the elder son of Mr ray but when did they meet and became so close that they are having breakfast together..I have to see it

Karan rushed to them and said

K : Where have you been honey ? I have looking for you at the room but what are you doing here

Tripura got so baffled after hearing those from Karan

She gulped down the coffee and got up

And abbhay was looking at them with narrowing eyes

But tripura tried to lighten the mood so she faked a smile

T : I got hungry So I had the breakfast and thanks to him he helped me out to find a place

A : Who is he ?

K : I am his fiancé we are about to get married in next month

When Karan said that tripura hit his toes with her heels so he shouted

K : Ouch what are you doing honey

T : It happened mistakenly shall we leave now

A : But you haven't finished your breakfast

T : I am in a hurry will see you next time

When tripura about to leave abbhay said

A : Well its nice to meet you my name is abbhay and yours?

And he forwarded his hand towards her but before she could do anything Karan forwarded his hand and shook

Tripura got so irritated so she left imidiately

K : Ask her name in the next time okay bye

And he left too

Abbhay scoffed

A : That women is interesting I have to keep an eye on her

Then he smirked micheveously

Tripura got so angry and was walking so fast but Karan rushed to her to make her stop

K : Wait tipsy just wait a seccond

Tripura turned arround and she was fuming in anger

T : You really had to do this haan ? Why did you interfere when I was talking to him aur kya kahan tumne we are engaged..

K : I did it because

T : You are my fiance..fiance my foot when will you stop stirring things up let me do it my way

Then she again started walking and this time Karan hold her hand to make her stop

K : Listen to me don't you know about him he is a long time womanizer along with that he is so dangerous

T : What so dangerous about him was he holding a gun towards me or something or did he spiked my drink we were just casually conversing with each other I was trying to get some information out of him and you spoiled everything

K : I did it for you I don't care about the case when it comes to you

Tripura chuckled sarcastically and came a little closer

T : Do you know there is no place for emotional fools in this world and when it comes to your profession it's highly restricted and don't tell me you do care for me that's the ugliest lie you can tell and I can't stand that

Then she pointed her finger to him

T : And get one thing clear in your mind because I am not gonna repeat that stay within your limits and stop mending me life I hope I am clear to you

Then she left from there

While they were arguing with each other abbhay was looking them from a distance

A : This Couple is not meant to be together because I got my eyes on that lady and I will get her anyway

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