Chapter : 9

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After came to her room tripura slammed the door so hard and went to sit on the bed just then something arouse in her mind

Flashback scene

Sitting in her car in the parking area, Tripura once saw herself in the front mirror

T : Oh I am looking miserable no wonder after after working continuously for two days, what else could be happen if karan sees me in this state, he will surely passed our

And she giggled

Then she brushed her hair and put on some lip tint then did a final check through looking at the mirror

T : Karan must be so upset he didn't even pick up my phone last night, but it wasn't his fault either he had planned dinner with so much hope but I couldn't go anyway mr khanna I know how to make your mood

Then she looked at the box of pastries she bought from his favorite place so she grabbed the box and got down from the car

At the entrance she greeted good morning to the gate keeper and then went inside the elevator

After she reached to her floor she was about to rang the bell but restrained

T : He must be sleeping I shouldn't do it

Then she took out her keys and went inside

As soon as she entered she got pretty surprised

Two or three bottles and glasses were scattered in front of the living room

T : Karan ?

She called his name but nobody answered so she dropped the box on the table and went forward towards there living room

Just then she opened the door suddenly her heartbeat stopped for a few moments she couldn't believe her eyes her mind didn't allow her to believe so

She saw a women was sleeping next to Karan in on there bed

Tripura felt so weak on her knees she was trembling all of her thoughts got twisted even she lost the ability to think anything at that moment

She kneel down on the floor and tears rolled to her cheek

After sitting there for a while when she finally got her senses back she got up and imidiately left the house

After came downstairs she went inside her car and left she was crying copiously her feelings were brutally butchered by the person whom she loved the most in her life

While driving she increased the speed then after going some distance Another car in front of her suddenly pulled the brakes so she lost control and hit another car

She was panting so heavily due to air bags she didn't got injured but after came back to senses she felt her left arm wasn't working she couldn't feel anything

Whenever she was about to grabbed the knob to came outside but her left arm wasn't functioning so she pulled the knob with her right hand and got down from the car

After the police intterogation tripura went straight to a nearby washroom And started hitting her left arm with the right one but she wasn't felt anything she got so nervous her heart was pounding she splashed some water on her face and looked herself into the mirror she was looking so devastated and completely ruined

Then she breathed in and out and went near to the door leaving her left hand in the gap of the door, she kept banging on it again and again, but at last she could not help but burst into tears.

Flashback ends

Remembering all those bitter past again made her a little broken from inside so a few tear drops fell on her cheek Then she slowly rolled up her sleeves and saw the cut mark on her left hand she brushed her fingers on that

T : As long as I have this scar it makes me remind what you have done to me Karan I am never ever gonna forget that no matter what happens

Then she wiped her tears

After sometime Karan came there so tripura quickly rolled down her sleeves again

Karan saw that so he got a little curious but seeing her mood he didn't dare to ask

He cleared his throat and said

K : Well I have something to tell you

Tripura looked at him with furrowing eyes

K : Mr ray invited us for the dinner today

Tripura got up

T : How did he know you ?

K : Somehow I did manage but I thought it will be easy for us to get to know all the guest and partners of Mr ray so then we could keep an eye on them

T : Okay fine we are going

K : Great well I am going out to get something to wear for tonight I didn't pack anything like that care to join ?

T : I am not here to go to the shopping I have so many other stuffs to do you carry on

K : Okay let me get my wallet

And after grabbed the wallet he left from the room

After came down to the streets

K : What was she hiding from me ? I saw  a scar on her hand what was that is that serious I need to find out

I know tipsy you hid a lot of pain inside you but I wish I could get a chance to ease them out for once

God why did I do that to her why did I broke her heart that day why I will never able to forgive myself for that

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