In Which the Graveyard Hag Causes Some Mischief

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Yeah, it's been nuts lately. I'm hoping to completely catch up today. Jennaree is mine, but nobody else named is.

Jennaree Salmalín was the youngest child of the greatest mage in all Tortall and the demigoddess known as the Wildmage. Her older sister was also a shapeshifter, with a similar power level to their mother. Her older brother Rikash was a mage whose own powers were nearly akin to their father's. Jennaree, on the other hand, had nothing. No Gift, no wild magic, nothing. She didn't resent her siblings for this, just herself.
She had moved to Carthak, to get away from her family, and was taking a walk along the shore one evening when the scene in front of her changed. She was standing in front of a table loaded down with all kinds of foods. She turned around, confused, and found an older woman sitting at the table. She gasped, bowing. Her mother had told her stories about the Graveyard Hag. The goddess cackled.
"Oh please, all of that for little old me?" Jennaree looked at her, wary.
"You are the patron goddess of Carthak. It would be inappropriate not to show proper respect." The goddess smiled.
"Very good, dearie." She gestured to the table. "I know how you feel about yourself, you know. How much you resent not being born with magic like your family. I can change that." Jennaree was skeptical.
"Indeed. You may eat one thing from the table. Whatever you choose will give you powers. Each item gives a different power. I will not tell you what anything does." She smiled, showing sharp teeth. "Your move, dearie." Jennaree studied the table, deep in thought. She didn't like the way most of the foods glistened. It would be rude to reject the gift the goddess offered her, but the Graveyard Hag was a known trickster. As she looked, a corner of the table seemed loose. She was very certain that what she was about to do was something the goddess in front of her would not expect. Before the logical part of her could tell her it was a bad idea, she removed the corner of the table and took a bite. The Graveyard Hag looked at her, then started cackling.
"Oh very good, little Salmalín! Very good! I've offered this table to many, but you are the first to actually eat the table!" Gleefully, she stood, taking Jennaree's hand. "For that, that gives you the same powers I have. It means you have the cleverness to wield them, so use them well." She winked. "I'd love you to seal yourself to one of my temples, but you've earned the right to use them however you wish. I ask only that you give me some of the credit." The scene-and the goddess- faded, and Jennaree was left with a tattoo of a set of dice on the inside of her right wrist. This wouldn't end well.

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