In Which Roger Never Died

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Okay, it's late, but I had a busy weekend and this one is hard. Also why it's not longer, but here go.

Evan Vansen, generally known as Miracle Man, looked astonished at the glowing portal in front of him. Which supervillain was this? Was it someone new? Most of the ones his team had faced were currently in the middle of being reintroduced into society. A man stepped out of it, wearing long, middle aged looking robes, holding what looked like a scepter.
"Who are you? Where am I?" Evan blinked.
"You're... in Main City. My name is Evan." The man frowned.
"My name is Roger of Contè. What is this nonsense? Did you bring me here? Do you know how close to taking Tortall I was?" Evan frowned, wary.
"It might help if you told me what Tortall was." In his pocket, he reached for the Miracle Button. This guy screamed supervillain, and if he was a threat,  he needed to be fast. The man scowled.
"It is a kingdom, and it will be mine!" He stretched out his hand, orange energy clustering around it, and Evan barely thought. He pushed the button.

Roger Carson was doing some heavy spring cleaning. Somehow, in the three years he'd lived in this apartment it had gotten extremely cluttered, so the middle school teacher was taking advantage of his spring break.
Midway through cleaning out his second bedroom, there was a knock on the door.
"Hold on a sec! I'm coming!" He called, extricating himself from the boxes and going over to the door. His next door neighbor Robyn Henson waited for him.
"Hey Roger!" She took in the chaos that was his apartment. "You're not moving, are you?" He chuckled, shaking his head.
"Nah, just doing some spring cleaning."
"You want some help?" He opened the door wider, letting her in. She was sweet, an instructor at the local archery range.
"Sure." Robyn bounced in, scanning the disaster that was now his apartment.
"Wow. You've got yourself a mess." Roger chuckled.
"I've got all week. It's only Monday. Come on, I've been working back here." He led her back to the other bedroom. "There should be some boxes left in that closet there, if you want to start going through them. The packing material gets set aside, but we'll throw most of it out." Robyn nodded, up for the challenge, while Roger turned his radio back on.
They worked for a while, stopping only for lunch. Eventually, they'd cleaned out the last of the boxes. Robyn stood on her tiptoes to assess the top of the closet, then pulled out a smaller blue box.
"Hey, what's in here?" Roger frowned at it.
"I have no idea. I've never seen it before." She opened it, pulling out long blue robes and what looked to be a wizards rod. She gasped, laughing.
"Roger Carson! Do you go to ren faires in this? Are you Roger the Great?" She shook the staff at him, laughing. Roger looked at her.
"Robyn, I have no idea what those are. Evan had this apartment last, maybe they're his?" Robyn nodded, thoughtful.
"Maybe. Let's go ask." Box in hand, the two went towards the door to head across the hall.

Evan opened the door to two of the villains he'd been rehabbing standing there. Only members of his team knew this, but almost his entire apartment building was inhabited by former supervillains. There was one member of his team per floor, of course, in case one of them overthrew the mind wipe, but the others... Robyn Hood, Dark Ness, the Termite-inator, all of them had had their memories wiped, and those of the ones that knew them. Their identities had been changed, and any powers they may have had were long forgotten. The floor Evan lived on was the one housing the villains he wanted to keep an eye on the closest. Roger, the man from the portal, was one of them. So it was very much a shock to see Roger standing in front of him, holding a box with the robes and wizards rod he had shown up in three years ago.
"Hey neighbor!" He said cheerfully. "We found these in my closet, and thought they might've belonged to you before I moved in. I've never seen them before." Evan relaxed. This was an easy fix.
"Oh! Yeah, that's an old costume of mine. I'd forgotten about it! Thanks for bringing it over." Roger grinned.
"No problem. Thank Robyn for finding it." Standing behind him, she shrugged.
"Eh, no biggie." The two went back across the hall to Roger's apartment, and Evan relaxed, shutting his door and stowing the box in his closet, relieved. That went so much better than it could have gone.

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