In Which the Gift had Never Really Left

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Oh look, more of this au! Honestly, I'm tempted to turn it into something after this month, but we'll see how much I get out of this month

Harriet Aili woke up in the morning to a very insistent orange cat.
"Alright, alright Heskaly. I'm up. I'm up." The cat hopped off the bed, satisfied he was being fed, and she got up, getting dressed and opening the curtains. Legann spread out below her apartment, the familiar city comforting her. The sunlight bathed her room yellow, lighting up the drawings all over her walls.

She went into the kitchen, feeding Heskaly and kissing her mom, who was making pancakes, on the cheek.
"Morning Mom."
"Morning love." Her mother got serious for a bit. "Dear, have you seen the news? They've found six kids the same age as you with the Gift. They've created a school to teach them, but they worry there may be more." She put the spatula down to take one of Harriet's hands. "Be careful, darling. Please. We don't know exactly what they want." Harriet nodded.
"I'll be okay, mom. Really. I don't use it since you and Grandpa taught me to control it, and there's nothing in our history to suggest our line has had it since it died out. We'll be alright." She grabbed her sketchbook. "I'm gonna go down to the gardens. I'll be back."
"Be careful!" But she was already out the door.

The gardens were her safe space. She could wander and take in the plants, or sit and draw for hours. She didn't have to worry about the problems she had at school, or the worry of what she would do after, or the stress of keeping such a big secret like her family keeping the Gift alive for centuries.

Today it was quiet. The caretakers knew her, and waved as she beelined for her favorite spot-a hidden nook behind one of the bigger gardens. She laid down on the bench, staring up at the sky. There were more kids with the Gift. Had it run in their lines like it had hers, or was it suddenly just cropping back up? And if it was coming back suddenly, what did that mean for her? She sighed, then closed her eyes, getting lost in the peacefulness of the garden.

She must have drifted off, because the next thing she knew, there was something on her nose. She opened her eyes to find three butterflies hovering around her. They looked normal, but they seemed to shimmer from within. Slowly, as not to spook them, she sat up. They fluttered around her, and when she held out one hand, they settled on it. There was a bright flash, and they melded themselves into her skin. She ogled at them. Well this was new. How on earth was she supposed to explain three tattoos on her wrist?

Being a Collection of Short Tamora Pierce Fanfics (Mostly One Shots)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें