Immortal Souls [part 5]

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      I bowed slightly and held my head bowed. Maybe I was wrong. I thought he was good. Maybe he just wanted to me to be his spy. Well, he get what he wants. For me and for most people, debt as this is a serious thing. I couldn’t be checked. God! My problems were serious. Until recently it was boring and simple, and now… But I knew one thing: something come to these lands filled with peace. Something evil. People knew it. Maybe they always knew, and all peace was just façade.

     I looked down at the city. Something inside me suggest that it is only the beginning. The elf put the necklace around my neck and I descended into my clothes to not be seen.

-How to get ahold of you, my lord? I do not even know your name.

-Wei’Lin. Just touch the crystal and uttered my name. This will be enough. Now it is better to go home.

-How? The fog was dense, and that thing…

-The medallion will protect you.

     I turned to look back down and when I looked behind me there was no one. I was alone. I looked, but without much benefit. The elf was gone. I took a breath and encircled around the corner. There was a door. It was unlocked. I opened it and saw the stairs that led down. It was dark, but I started to descend. I hears my own steps, because it was really quiet.

     After some time the stairs was ended snf I found myself in a desolate corridor covered with long red carpet. I followed it and it drowned my steps. I got downstairs. From the main room is bare cast. Very worried voices. I was hesitant, but eventually I approached the room. I was cautious not to see me. I snuck into the hall and hid behind one of the supporting pillars. I could see many of my fellow citizens. Even my family was there. They looked more serious than usual. Probably not even suspected that I was there.

     I saw Hilbart ruler. He stood on a small platform in order for everyone to see him. He was a little man. Quite rounded and almost bald. Had a mustache and small round eyes with black color. He wore not very large round glasses. As was always he was dressed in expensive clother from lame in purple. There was jewelry. His clothes was beautiful, but definitely not his good standing. I almost laugh, but I managed to restain myself.

      The mayor talked about the fog and the ‘evil forces’ that lurk there. Not that was a lie. But he was always quite paranoid. On top of accused ‘Wanderer’, I mean Wei’Lin, for unpleasant events occurring. Of course, I still don’t believe that he is responsible. Rather, I would agree that the magic barrier around the city is weakened and so everyone and everything can be inserted inside. Of course, we can not blame others. Out wizards are caring for the barrier, which means that it is their fault.

     I heard mention of an arrest warrant on my new master. I know I should tell him immediately, but I was decided to hear the entire speech before the report. I’m not a snitch, but I was serious debt and had to pay off. Furthermore, I don’t like injustice. On the other hand… I felt excited. My dream adventure come true. That’s why I stayed and listened until the end of the meeting. I noticed that the lord Lohr spoke with my father. Maybe he said that I will apprentice. I couldn’t hear the conversation, but I can not read on the lips, but I’m sure that my family was happy. I saw it in their faces. This made me smile.

     People began to disperse. I waited until one of the columns. Lira saw me. She was surprised and told Mom and Dad. They immediately came to me.

-Freya? What are you doing here? – Dad asked.

-Well, nothing. I listened to the things spoken.

-And what do you think, sis? – Lira laughed.

-That is complete nonsense. ‘Stranger’ saved my life and I don’t think that we should blame him for what happened.

-Don’t talk about things that you do not understand, my little one. – Mom said.

-Yes. He brought me here, once saved me from the creatures in the mist.

     I was not sure if I had to say it, but there was no return. Furthermore, I was angry that they blame Wei’Lin without reason. I consider him for my friend now or so I thought. But I was silent. I went ahead because I did not want to hear more about this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2011 ⏰

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